Are they really?
It's possible they are using gmail as a relay, it's also possible they email direct, but that Send From is just listed as his address.
Definitely things to look into for SPF related blocking, etc.
@dbeato Lot's of good stuff here. I've been in a bit of a transition (had to make some changes so that I actually had money to pay the bills) so that slowed how quickly I was pumping out fixes but I think we're getting to a point where I'm almost back on track. I'll be looking into all these hopefully later today.
I definitely understand that! Just getting it out there what I found out.
@scottalanmiller Wish I could blame one of the newbies on that one but it's more likely a result of a 72 hour binge coding session that never got fixed.... oh well.
Hey there @openit glad that you are interested in SodiumSuite. The first management feature rolled out today. It's not much but it is a good preview of things to come, I think.
@mattbagan or one of the mods... Can you add tags to the post?
It's in the SS section, but yes.
Correct location for this?
Yes, correct location.
That's what I thought but they confused me.
When you make a new topic or edit an existing one (first post only), you have the option to add tags to it.
Tags are below the post entry section. If you go back and edit the top post you will see what we are talking about as it seems a mod has added the sodiumsuite tag already.
@Sodium has come a long way in the last few months. But currently with the 20 minute signout - it's not something I can really use. It's just really impractical for me to return from addressing a issue after 15 - 20 minutes and have to sign in again...
Duly noted. This was a security choice but as this is not the first time I've heard this we will be looking into changing this.
Don’t choose for me. Give me a remember me button that makes it last 24 hours at a minimum. Keep 20 minutes if you want for those that don’t check it.
This a Chrome-esque disaster. You can recommend all you want, but you cannot force me to do something. I will si ply not use you.
I think you're absolutely right. It all needs to simply be options to select from.