What Are You Doing Right Now
I will likely be there on Saturday, but it is hard to say. All depends on if someone is watching the kids or not.
Well we should start a thread about it.
Should I arrive on Monday or Tuesday?
Good idea.
I plan to be the on the 31st at least.
@scottalanmiller said:
You get often get SouthWest or American.
Southwest only flies out of Midway, not O'Hare
I am looking to arrive on the 1st. Halloween aged kids means I am at home on the 31st.
Watching some Keeping Up Appearances with the family.
Working on an icon.
@johnhooks said:
Working on an icon.
LOL, I know what that is.
Trying again,.. Which also means updating the firmware in the
phone and the Jabra headset.Thus far running into the same issue.. LIfter works, but doesn't keep the phone in headset mode. Whole idea is to not have to touch the phone more than needed.
Still poking at it.
HA: Just happened to hit CTRL:Enter by 'mistake' and it auto posted. neat. Goes with that long list of ? you can do now.
Database entries...
Beer time!
Putting in late night tickets so I do not forget things before turning in.
Good morning ML
I miss you all
Good morning @Joy
We're still hereTime for a cuppa
@nadnerB having coffee here
Eating my perinaise and cheese sandwiches.
I put a lot more perinaise than usual on and it is significantly warmer then usual. I might do this again -
Only one awake right now. Gorgeous day, opened up the windows!
Morning Scott
Install Another FogServer for the 10th time I think lol
That FOG server seems to be quite the problem!