Ha, i read Turkey Linux
Best posts made by hubtechagain
RE: Should AJ Open Crazy AJ's?
Scott, you should fund his venture. That you've created.
RE: Christmas Tree or however you celebrate
My wife is good at this stuff. Love this season and holiday.
Hyper-V 2012r2 Fanboy right here
Hey Mangoes,
I've seen the light and i aint turnin back. Worked with @dafyre this past weekend migrating a client from esxi(free) to hv2k12r2(lol putting the k saved exactly 0 chars). And well, i
HV12r2. Here is a spectacular writeup on the super fancy super simple replication that makes disaster recovery a breeze, as long as you've got enough hardware to support it!
Anyway, just thought i'd start a topic where we can discuss Microsoft's redemption in the hypervisor space
RE: Winning the Lottery
meh, you can afford to find a trustworthy money manger (if they exist) to handle all that S for you. I just would hate waiting on the pool company to build my scrooge mc duck money pool
RE: Black Friday deals
was gonna get a CM 65" tv... wife said no. i cried, still no tv.
RE: PERC 6/i Foreign configuration found on adaper
@BradfromxByte is taking care of me and sending a replacement drive and raid card. Thanks dude.
RE: TV/DVR without Timewarner, Verizon, Comcast, etc
binoculars and a neighbor with a large window?
RE: How do you bill for time spent Researching and Project Management?
and i'm doing research FOR this company. the dialog was essentially "we're not IT, dont claim to be, dont want to be. We need to fill these voids in our business, can you help us, etc..."
So I've been talking to D and will more than likely just say we will spend x hours researching software, transferring knowledge to client, make recommendation etc and then once a course is picked, provide another proposal for the labor.
RD App accessible from the internet
Server 08r2, RDS
How would you guys go about getting a published app I'm currently getting folks to via Pertino available on the internet? Pertino's iOS plugin doesn't allow it to work the same as a windows desktop. Tried working with pertino on this and they said currently not possible.
RE: 1001 Reasons Not to Be an MSP
and have an 8 month old
whatever. I'd be bored if I had a normal job
Hypervisor Swap from ESXi to Hyper-V 2012r2, ESXi Backups, Converters, Lions, Tigers, Bears, OhMy
So, I have reached out to a fellow Mangonite to be an extra set of eyes/fingers on my little gig this weekend.
Basically we're taking 3 VM hosts each running ESXi 5.5 (free) and the end goal is to get them migrated to Hyper-V.
As of now, we have had victories and a few opportunities for victory. We had hopes of just running a backup, using the 5nine v2v converter and boom. nah, esxi free is killin us. so.... the quick and dirty goes like this
Backup using vBackup from Thinware and dumping the backup onto our nas so after we have our glorious backup on the NAS ended up using Starwind's VMDK converter. two servers are backed up and converter is running. here's to hoping they spin up post conversion. Starwind's converter takes into account the fact that you're moving from esxi to something else, so it prepares the vhdx to boot into driver repair mode initially so it can load the new non VMware drivers on the Hyper-V host. anyway, that's where we stand so far. I'll do a little vBackup writup later, gonna go patch some systems while i'm waiting on the converters to finish.
Big thanks @dafyre so far!
Comcast Hosted Exchange Calendar Sharing
I've got a client that wanted to transition domains from a long .us domain to a shorter .com domain. .us is hosted through comcast, .com is o365. That being said, we are having to do this in stages (office workers first, then field employees). Email is not a problem, have the forwarders setup and mail is flowing just right, the problem i'm running into is getting access to the .us calendar for the .com users. I dont have a "publish to internet: option from comcast, and i'm not allowed to add any users outside of the .us domain. help?
Free FreePBX Fax (non ATA)
Anybody have a fax portal that's free that you can send/receive faxes from/to? PDF attachments etc. Something that's friendly with FreePBX. Thanks #hubtechlives
RE: Hardware refresh and Selling the Solution
@scottalanmiller said in Hardware refresh and Selling the Solution:
@Carnival-Boy said in Hardware refresh and Selling the Solution:
Ooh, whose got the best lawyers?
All I know is, I don't have any lawyers! I sometimes worry that I'll get arrested for a murder I didn't commit and I'll go "phone my lawyer", only I don't have one and don't even know how you'd go about getting one. I'd probably just phone my mom or something.
That's what most people do. You phone family and the family goes and hires a lawyer and then the lawyer calls you or stops by. Only the super rich have a lawyer ready to call and only so many people who have one have their number handy when being arrested.
This is my favorite post. In the midst of these two ding dongs fighting.... scott brings up a post about someone calling a lawyer. baha
RE: Home Price Negotiating
realtors are....IMO pretty slimy. it's in their best interest to get the highest price you're willing to pay...
RE: Going Back to Staples?
so by that logic, there have been critical department crashing tasks that only you can do, that haven't been being completed since you've been gone? Dude, you've got a job as a worker bee, work. do what you're told. If you're a manager, then you get to think (as much as the GM will allow you to atleast) and manage your department. If you're not a manager, do as you're told. It's literally the least stressful position to be managed, your job is to do as you're told, as long as it's ethical.
ESXI to Hyper-V
Have any of you made the transition? I'm about to give it a shot and wanted to know if anyone had any advice or knew what caveats to avoid?
https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=42497 looks promising.