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It was for the extension pack, but when I tried to install the upgrade for the extension pack i get the above error.
@travisdh1 True...
I have had the same issues with Virtual Box, the extension pack does not install with elevated permissions under a limited account like it should. You have to log in locally as an admin and install the extension pack, then log back in as user.
I'm working on a program that installs, and runs, based on .net, right? It installs almost everything on the user's profile (appdata\local) and then it adds a metric shit ton of registry keys. Problem: I need this application on a VDI with linked clones and the clones don't keep the registry; I guess Persona doesn't track the registry entries from HKU?
More pistachio liquor.
That pretty much says it all.
cancelled a O365 migration due to failed DNS transfer.
meanwhile cycling some batteries through the new iMax B6AC v2 Balance / Charger and determining what I need to mount the UBNT M5 Bridge and WiFi AP to a speaker Stand..
One glass of liquor and two big ones of wine so far.
Chatting with @Eric
Documenting a NextCloud build.
Driving home
Nearly 4am but getting stuff done.
Not sleeping... I would rather be sleeping... almost 1am, kid has a game at 9am,.. after which I have 6-8 hours of 'bench' time as I hover over the smoker... It's time to make some Canadian Bacon. Been thinking how to next cold smoke 6 pounds of cheese.... and I don't even have the 6 pounds of cheese yet....
And I'm back.
Talk about the uptime! From a single USB drive using MD RAID.
Just wrapping u some software development writing. About to go see the kids downstairs.