
Best posts made by BRRABill
RE: Office 365 Manual Configuration
I as recently as this year had Outlook 2007 working with Office365.
It definitely takes finagling and can often break with O365 updates.
One thing you can try is manually pointing the autodiscover to a local file. That made a huge difference in our setup. (But we also had a hybrid setup (in-house MDaemon server as well) that extra complicated things.)
RE: Windows Server - AppCmd crashing
@bbigford said in Windows Server - AppCmd crashing:
@brrabill said in Windows Server - AppCmd crashing:
Are there any printers installed on it?
I had server once that kept randomly crashing and it turns out it was a printer driver of all things.
No printers installed... but I had wondered the same thing as I found that on some forums.
It drove me nuts.
Kept rebooting the server in the middle of the day, randomly. It was awful.
RE: Windows Server - AppCmd crashing
@bbigford said in Windows Server - AppCmd crashing:
@brrabill said in Windows Server - AppCmd crashing:
@bbigford said in Windows Server - AppCmd crashing:
@brrabill said in Windows Server - AppCmd crashing:
Are there any printers installed on it?
I had server once that kept randomly crashing and it turns out it was a printer driver of all things.
No printers installed... but I had wondered the same thing as I found that on some forums.
It drove me nuts.
Kept rebooting the server in the middle of the day, randomly. It was awful.
Are you sure the spooler caused the reboot rather than a faulting driver not being isolated and caused the server to reboot because of a driver issue? I've witnessed print spoolers on servers crash many times and cause the whole list of printers to become unavailable, but that is about the extent of it.
Pretty sure it was the driver.
I think it was an older printer that maybe didn't have an updated driver.
RE: Windows NT Release History
@scottalanmiller said in Windows NT Release History:
Right, I wanted something that shows a far more complete picture. Once you have it all together, it is so much easier to visualize how far away something like XP is from today's releases.
Still love XP.
RE: O365 and backups
@nashbrydges said in O365 and backups:
May be true for most cases but can't discount human stupidity or maliciousness lol. Had 3 instances where critical emails were deleted and needed to be recovered. One of those was a departing employee who deleted everything in their inbox and cleared their deleted folder. It wasn't until a month afterward that this was discovered. He thought he was doing the company a favour by clearing out the space. It wasn't malicious but definitely clueless.
For me, that is exactly the reason you need a backup of O365.
That, and any sort of malicious activity, or MS screw up.
RE: Nextcloud replacing OneDrive
Hmmm, sounds like one of those "MS messed up" scenarios we were discussing in the backup thread(s).
RE: Outlook 2016 Export to PST Missing a Lot of Data
That BitTitan product that I ended up using for my migration was da bomb. Maybe check them out as well.
RE: Handling DNS in a Single Active Directory Domain Controller Environment
Just think of what a different discussion this would be if MS just allowed you to spin up a free AD server, that just had AD, like Hyper-V Server.
RE: Server Setup for Legal Firm
@scottalanmiller said in Server Setup for Legal Firm:
@hari said in Server Setup for Legal Firm:
Server Brand, Family Model and Server OS (security has to be top notch no opensource please
This is a conflict in two ways.
First: Never apply arbitrary rules when they aren't in line with your goals, this is illogical.
Second: Open source is specifically vastly better specifically for security. I think you worded this incorrectly. If security was your goal, it is closed source you'd be wary to use, not open.Do you have a macro to respond to stuff like this, or do you type it up each time?
RE: So I built: Pi-hole
@travisdh1 said in So I built: Pi-hole:
@BRRABill said in So I built: Pi-hole:
Where is @scottalanmiller to chime in that isn't the purpose of DNS?
Careful, sounds like he's already infected you!
Yes but I can't yell at people as good as him.
Minimum Chromebook Specs
What are the minimum specs you'd get on a Chromebook for personal use?
Obviously they require less than a PC, but how much less?
Local Encryption Scenarios
One of the topics that always seems to get a lot of discussion here is local encryption.
Some people, such as @scottalanmiller typically (emphasis on typically) advise against it. While others say to do it all the time. Still others say, it's mostly harmless, and can protect you, so why NOT do it if it's as simple as entering a password? I asked a few their feelings yesterday, and as expected got a spectrum of answers.
I was thinking, giving specific examples might get people chatting about what they would do in a particular scenario, and lead to a consensus. Of course, each example can have all sorts of hidden gotchas, but I think it's safe to make some general assumptions here.
So, here is example number 1:
You get a call from a CPA. They just moved into a shady area of town, and are concerned about their data in case their PC gets stolen. They must use a local PC, because that is the only way their CPA software will run. Just the one CPA, one computer. What would you do in that scenario? And if you choose to encrypt, what would you use?
RE: In home surveillance camera
@JaredBusch said in In home surveillance camera:
@Kelly said in In home surveillance camera:
@JaredBusch said in In home surveillance camera:
@Kelly said in In home surveillance camera:
@DustinB3403 said in In home surveillance camera:
WyzeCam, and their cheap. $20 / each
At that price it wouldn't be a big deal if they weren't what I needed.
Drop a 32GB (max) SD card in it for full recording. you get about 2 days at HD quality. Long at SD.
32GB is the largest they'll take? (Haven't looked through specs yet.
I haven't looked at the specs in months, but I believe so. That would be the only reason I bought 32GB cards.
I think the consensus on the Internet is that good quality larger cards will also work.
64GB at least.
RE: Dell server and storage...
I got some drives from xByte that did not work in the DELL server. They WORKED, but kept freezing, or rebooting. xByte, of course, were awesome and swapped them out with DELL branded ones.
For me, I’ll never put on a lifejacket again. Oh wait, wrong line. I'll never not buy DELL branded stuff for my DELL server.
RE: Locating a script that you don't know the name of in Linux
@DustinB3403 said
Then post the script, no shame in asking for help.
No but you might get badgered into oblivion.