Walking Dead Plot Holes - How would IT folk survive
And lastly would even one of these ships still be at port (with no zombies on it)?
As already mentioned the military would likely be the only survivors with something like this; and with any normal kind of life.
@DustinB3403 said in Walking Dead Plot Holes - How would IT folk survive:
And lastly would even one of these ships still be at port (with no zombies on it)?
As already mentioned the military would likely be the only survivors with something like this; and with any normal kind of life.
World War Z.... they address that. All the ships go to sea immediately. That's what I would expect to happen.
@DustinB3403 said in Walking Dead Plot Holes - How would IT folk survive:
@thwr said in Walking Dead Plot Holes - How would IT folk survive:
Hehe, TL;DR everything, but I'm discussing this during nearly every episode of The Walking Dead with friends and / or my wife.
Now, where to hide? Probably somewhere safe: An abandoned nuclear-powered cruiser or frigate for example. Maybe a little aircraft or helicopter carrier or shore landing ship
Plenty of (safe) room, even some space for a little garden project, plenty of weapons and ammunitions, power for decades (if you're lucky), loads of food and meds, an ocean to get some fish...
Oh, and about the IT part... Well, someone must hack that defense system to take care of raiders.
That is a good point about the cruiser or frigate for example.
The question becomes do you take it off shore and anchor it to keep away from the Zombies?
How much fishing material do you actually have on something like this. These boats are HUGE, and are often several stories above the water at the highest point in which you might fish.
Do you go out to see, and carefully push the planes off of it to reduce the weight in case you want to move?
How do you take care of the reactor?
Likely, yes. You go barely off shore, just far enough to be safe but not so far that you can't be seen. You observe from there. Anything extra just adds danger for no reason.
Wouldn't being visible just bring even more danger from the "users" that we know would still survive something like this?
Not that I don't agree, just trying to find a reasonable way to survive something like this.
A ship will eventually run out of food / power and whatever else. So you'd still have to go to shore, certainly a dingy could be used for this.
But what would be the risk factor of having a ship in plain view of everyone else.
FYI I want to call this the Yacht Effect.
You're safe off-shore, but everyone else wants what you have.
@DustinB3403 said in Walking Dead Plot Holes - How would IT folk survive:
Now you would absolutely have a large enough area for a garden on the deck of a ship.
Plenty of living space in the ship as well.
And plenty of options to use the restroom.
So do you make a trip to go solar and perform a hydroponics setup? Who do you take with you to live on this ship?
Do you know how to drive a ship like this?
Frigates and aircraft carriers would be great... ACs probably best because you can easily fly supplies in and out and the top makes for a HUGE garden area. But realistically you would never get military ships. What you might actually get is barges and stuff, build a flotilla. Something flexible, and that can grow.
A better question might be to actually just steal a massive yacht or even a cruise ship if you could.
A ton of room, with a lot of the "commodities" including room / kitchens / bath / small transit / communications etc.
And it's likely far more easy to learn from a Non-yacht captains point of view.
@DustinB3403 said in Walking Dead Plot Holes - How would IT folk survive:
A better question might be to actually just steal a massive yacht or even a cruise ship if you could.
A ton of room, with a lot of the "commodities" including room / kitchens / bath / small transit / communications etc.
And it's likely far more easy to learn from a Non-yacht captains point of view.
You'd want oceanliners, not quite as big but they can take far more brutal weather. You don't want to get wrecked because of a storm and die. The QE2 would be pretty ideal. But the giant cruise ships wouldn't be too bad, especially if you can get to a less stormy region. The Sargasso or Mediterranean are about as ideal as you will get.
@DustinB3403 said in Walking Dead Plot Holes - How would IT folk survive:
A better question might be to actually just steal a massive yacht or even a cruise ship if you could.
A ton of room, with a lot of the "commodities" including room / kitchens / bath / small transit / communications etc.
And it's likely far more easy to learn from a Non-yacht captains point of view.
Mid sized solar powered yacht with a desalination plant. Yeah, good luck with that.
Desert landing points are an option.... somewhere like south west Africa where you can land against empty desert to build a base can be important, if you can get to the point where you have the necessary mobility.
@travisdh1 said in Walking Dead Plot Holes - How would IT folk survive:
Mid sized solar powered yacht with a desalination plant. Yeah, good luck with that.
So the general idea here is a lot of these people have been killed off.
So you would at least have to try for it.
You'd absolutely need something that is open ocean capable.
@scottalanmiller said in Walking Dead Plot Holes - How would IT folk survive:
Desert landing points are an option.... somewhere like south west Africa where you can land against empty desert to build a base can be important, if you can get to the point where you have the necessary mobility.
From what kind of aircraft?
I don't think you'd be able to transport much in a fighter jet, so you'd need a helicopter pilot.
A mechanic for it too would be helpful should it turn into long term transport. (assuming fuel was abundant)
@DustinB3403 said in Walking Dead Plot Holes - How would IT folk survive:
@scottalanmiller said in Walking Dead Plot Holes - How would IT folk survive:
Desert landing points are an option.... somewhere like south west Africa where you can land against empty desert to build a base can be important, if you can get to the point where you have the necessary mobility.
From what kind of aircraft?
I don't think you'd be able to transport much in a fighter jet, so you'd need a helicopter pilot.
A mechanic for it too would be helpful should it turn into long term transport. (assuming fuel was abundant)
You'd push the fighters into the ocean to clear up space. Unless you had pilots and crew somehow with you. They are useless unless you think that you can move to a massive scale war. Helicopters, though, would be very, very useful as would the large military drones. Finding one helicopter pilot would be fairly easy. I know a few. No big deal. That's what you want. And civilian is just fine. You don't need that .00001% fighter pilot for that, just the 1% helicopter pilot. And you don't need to supply your own, people would fly to you.
@DustinB3403 said in Walking Dead Plot Holes - How would IT folk survive:
A mechanic for it too would be helpful should it turn into long term transport. (assuming fuel was abundant)
I know a few fighter jet mechanics. They are out there.
OK so lets assume we have an yacht with Helipad on it, room for ~15-20 people.
We're docked in the ocean, just off the coast far enough you could see the coast, close enough if you had to you could make a run in for supplies etc.
(I'm using a yacht as getting a hold of and driving an aircraft carrier seems very unrealistic)
What is next?
@DustinB3403 said in Walking Dead Plot Holes - How would IT folk survive:
OK so lets assume we have an yacht with Helipad on it, room for ~15-20 people.
We're docked in the ocean, just off the coast far enough you could see the coast, close enough if you had to you could make a run in for supplies etc.
(I'm using a yacht as getting a hold of and driving an aircraft carrier seems very unrealistic)
What is next?
Wait for everyone else to die off.
@DustinB3403 said in Walking Dead Plot Holes - How would IT folk survive:
OK so lets assume we have an yacht with Helipad on it, room for ~15-20 people.
We're docked in the ocean, just off the coast far enough you could see the coast, close enough if you had to you could make a run in for supplies etc.
(I'm using a yacht as getting a hold of and driving an aircraft carrier seems very unrealistic)
What is next?
Blackjack, strippers and booze.
We all take turns as the strippers unfortunately.
@scottalanmiller said in Walking Dead Plot Holes - How would IT folk survive:
@DustinB3403 said in Walking Dead Plot Holes - How would IT folk survive:
OK so lets assume we have an yacht with Helipad on it, room for ~15-20 people.
We're docked in the ocean, just off the coast far enough you could see the coast, close enough if you had to you could make a run in for supplies etc.
(I'm using a yacht as getting a hold of and driving an aircraft carrier seems very unrealistic)
What is next?
Wait for everyone else to die off.
Isn't that the essence of life anyway?
@scottalanmiller said in Walking Dead Plot Holes - How would IT folk survive:
@DustinB3403 said in Walking Dead Plot Holes - How would IT folk survive:
Now you would absolutely have a large enough area for a garden on the deck of a ship.
Plenty of living space in the ship as well.
And plenty of options to use the restroom.
So do you make a trip to go solar and perform a hydroponics setup? Who do you take with you to live on this ship?
Do you know how to drive a ship like this?
Frigates and aircraft carriers would be great... ACs probably best because you can easily fly supplies in and out and the top makes for a HUGE garden area. But realistically you would never get military ships. What you might actually get is barges and stuff, build a flotilla. Something flexible, and that can grow.
The point is, you don't need to think much about raiders. Same for zombies, even if they can swim, there's no way they could get up to the deck. When I was commandeered aboard the USS Cape St. George for translation services(*) during the Kiel Week (biggest sailing event in the world in a small city near Hamburg), I stand next to this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phalanx_CIWS. As long as you can feed that, you won't have to worry. Now, some ships get lasers. Interesting factor, as there is no ammunition and your nuclear reactor may last a couple of years (probably much longer, because we don't use the engines much).
About the question where to stay: 3-4 miles far from the coast, out of the line of sight, but near enough to take a boat in case we need that. The water is deep there.
What to take is hard to decide: A carrier has much more place for planting etc, but a frigate is more agile and will need fewer resources.Vote for the carrier anyway, because it has decent defenses (CIWS etc) and can swim for a long time even without power.
But like SAM said, there are protocols. They will probably leave the harbours at once. There still may be a few units in the harbour from the first waves, but 99% will escape. Ships made for maritime warfare are constructed to withstand ABC attacks and are a bit like tanks, with active air and water filters, hermetically sealed hatches and what not.
(*) really awesome experience! But I learned that some US sailsmen actually eat omelettes four (!) times a day