Gaming - What's everyone playing / hosting / looking to play
My favourite is Telltale Games "Strongbad's Cool Game for Attractive People"
@StrongBad said:
My favourite is Telltale Games "Strongbad's Cool Game for Attractive People"
I see what you did there.
Bought like ten games this weekend between Steam and GOG sales.
Completed "Episode One" in Back to the Future: The Game.
Played Episode 2 of Back to the Future last night and completed it in one setting without a save point
I've been playing Warframe as of late. It's a ton of fun if anyone wants to join me some time let me know.
The fool. I'm playing the fool.
I don't have to play the fool.. I usually wind up pittying the fool.
Edit: Sometimes I think I am the fool and just haven't figured it out yet.
In this game series you can literally be the fool
Started playing Episode 3 of Back to the Future: The Game last night but did not make it for very long, we were all so tired.
The six year old stayed up late into the night playing Broken Age for the second time.
Not playing anything today, but just bought Kyn on the Steam Midweek Madness Sale.
Played a little Guild Wars 2 last night with a friend. It is a great game but we were doing the Halloween specials last night and everything was a bit hard to follow.
I run a D&D 5e game every other Tuesday evening using Hangouts and
I am currently playing Dragon Quest I on my iPad. Will likely finish that soon and move on to Dragon Quest II.
This is my absolute all time favorite console game series ever.
@JaredBusch said:
I am currently playing Dragon Quest I on my iPad. Will likely finish that soon and move on to Dragon Quest II.
This is my absolute all time favorite console game series ever.
Same here!!
@JaredBusch said:
I run a D&D 5e game every other Tuesday evening using Hangouts and
I am currently playing Dragon Quest I on my iPad. Will likely finish that soon and move on to Dragon Quest II.
This is my absolute all time favorite console game series ever.
I try and run a semi-regular RPG... generally something like Call of Cthulhu or more recently Delta Green. One of my players runs a D&D or Pathfinder game which is a lot of fun.
Been solidly hooked on Witcher 3 for the past couple weeks. Been playing nothing but that - not even any Rocket League.
I've been heavily addicted to Warframe as of late.
It's just a Great Shooter / Farm Simulator.
@DustinB3403 said:
I've been heavily addicted to Warframe as of late.
It's just a Great Shooter / Farm Simulator.
What an odd combination.
I use Farm Simulator because you have to shoot stuff, to get stuff to drop to make other really cool stuff.
Hence Farm Simulator.
It's a ton of fun. I'd even correlate it to what Halo (1) was, except with way more badassery.