Snipe-IT Shell Commands and Backing up
So looking for a way to backup just the database for Snipe-IT now that I have it installed, and partially populated.
I see I can create a manual backup under the Backups menu.
This however is not at all what I want.
Looking for a way to schedule the backup to run (say weekly) and export the backup to a remote target.
Has anyone else done this?
@daily /path/to/php /path/to/your/snipe-it/artisan snipeit:backup
Assuming it worked, then you just need an rsync command cron'd to run after.
Depending on the output you get from that command, you could wrap it all in a script, or just make the rsync run ever hour and it will only actually do anything when there is a file difference.
Backup the VM?
@hobbit666 no this is just for the mysql database.