What Are You Doing Right Now
Installing MS SQL Server.
Trying to fix a client's problem of Server '08R2 not shutting down properly....Once I actually get access to the server, that is.
I have always found that the plug works reliably
@Reid-Cooper True...but the rest of the VM environment may not take kindly to that approach. heh
VM, even easier, virtual power off from the console.
Fighting with turning Autocad 2015 into a Remote App... The 90's called and want their hard coded paths in the registry back... Ugh.
@Reid-Cooper True...but not catching the root cause. And with this particular client...there's a lack of communication between their teams. But, need access to the server first. Tons of fun.
@dafyre said:
Fighting with turning Autocad 2015 into a Remote App... The 90's called and want their hard coded paths in the registry back... Ugh.
They can have 'me and a bus ticket to hell
@wirestyle22 said:
@scottalanmiller said:
My commute is taking two hours today.
One way?
That was quite some time ago! And yes, one way. It was normally three hours round trip.
@scottalanmiller said:
@wirestyle22 said:
@scottalanmiller said:
My commute is taking two hours today.
One way?
That was quite some time ago! And yes, one way. It was normally three hours round trip.
I have to cover all of ocean county (I know you know how large ocean county is) completely alone. Almost weekly I have about two days worth of travel time
Finishing up school with the kids. My ankle is still killing me. Boo. I shall shortly console myself with some The Sims Medieval.
@Dominica said:
Finishing up school with the kids. My ankle is still killing me. Boo. I shall shortly console myself with some The Sims Medieval.
Dr nadnerB suggests something more... Stabby-stabby
Or something with rocket launchers
@nadnerB Well, if I play as the physician I get to drain Sims with leaches and then force medicine down their throats using a funnel, all while they lay on a rack-like device. It's a bit dark.
@nadnerB Is there any other laugh while you have someone on a rack?
@dafyre said:
Fighting with turning Autocad 2015 into a Remote App... The 90's called and want their hard coded paths in the registry back... Ugh.
The one ERP system we have (it was written in FoxPro......) is hard coded to map to the V drive. Even if you map it to something else and tell the program in the options that it's under the other drive letter and the dialog box accepts it, it still won't work.
@Dave.Creamer said:
@nadnerB Is there any other laugh while you have someone on a rack?
I was not aware of one. Am open to suggestions though