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looking at how to service a Underwood Typewriter..
Still working on my time sheet (aka Customer billing) because I keep getting sidetracked by little work things I have not gotten done this week due to the holidays messing with my schedule.
Time sheet has to be completed tonight because our bookkeeper needs to process them tomorrow instead of on Tuesday like normal with the next holiday messing up the works.
@JaredBusch said:
@Dashrender said:
about to setup a new desktop
Cleaning up crap off this laptop....
Looks a lot like my laptop.. I haven't decided on what to do with some of the Acer installed Software yet.
@g.jacobse said:
looking at how to service a Underwood Typewriter..
That's easy. You just take it out back and drop it in the bin. All serviced.
It is super cold in Houston this morning. The house was 55 degrees, actually had to turn the heat on!
Just heard that gas is down to $1.79 in Oklahoma.
@scottalanmiller said:
Just heard that gas is down to $1.79 in Oklahoma.
Wow - I picked up gas in Virginia yesterday for $1.92 I think.. Could have used my discount of $.40 but waited till later and got mid grade for the same price ( $1.90)
@scottalanmiller said:
@g.jacobse said:
looking at how to service a Underwood Typewriter..
That's easy. You just take it out back and drop it in the bin. All serviced.
What do you have against a classic piece of American history and mechanics? I haven't checked the serial number yet, but at 90 years old it's still working (nearly) the same way it did when it was new. Even the ribbon - guessing going on 15 years old has ink and prints rather nicely.
Sounds like what I had to use for my typing classes in school. We were on manual typewriters for that.
How is it higher in Texas? I'm right by the processing plants!
@scottalanmiller said:
How is it higher in Texas? I'm right by the processing plants!
Taxes and terminal operator markup.
Gas in the pipeline is all basically the same price across the country.
The terminal operators buy fuel from the pipeline in cycles (approximately 1 week per cycle if memory serves).
Here in Illinois, they are currently bidding on XXX thousand barrels from the pipeline from the cycle that will not deliver here until the end of January.
So the base price of a gallon of fuel is known by the terminal operator 6 weeks before they even get the fuel.
Yes, they all have to bid on it, so the prices each terminal operator pays are slightly different, but the differences are negligible in the overall price.
The same cycle of fuel loaded into two tanker trucks in the Hartford Illinois terminal will have the same price, but different invoice costs due to the motor fuel taxes based on a combination of the origin state (IL in this example) and the destination state (1 to IL and 1 to MO). Then there are federal taxes applied on top of that.
Just into the office, I've got lots of stuff to do today while the staff are gone
The terminal operators price out the fuel into the tanker trucks based on FIFO. So just because they are now receiving in fuel form the pipeline at $x.xx, they are selling it out at $y.yy + markup because $y.yy is what they paid for it 6 weeks ago and that fuel is what is currently leaving the tanks. -
@scottalanmiller that's !!!! $0.47 / liter !!!!!!!
Currently it's $1.019/L here. That's $3.86/gallon. Ouch.
Edit: It has not been $0.50/L here for a long time, maybe 20+ years.
Edit2: we pay (in Victoria BC, it's higher elsewhere) $0.25/L in taxes (carbon tax, public transit tax + road maintenance tax)
See page 5
http://www.sbr.gov.bc.ca/documents_library/bulletins/mft-ct_005.pdf -
Nebraska taxes are making us pay $1.99/gal right now.
Wow we are happy to be at $2.84 here.
@Minion-Queen said:
Wow we are happy to be at $2.84 here.
Say What? Really $2.84/gal there right now? Your taxes are OUTRAGEOUS!
Yes they are. It's why I just LOVE
@JaredBusch what app is that?