Random Thread - Anything Goes
@JaredBusch said:
@scottalanmiller said:
@JaredBusch said:
@johnhooks said:
@mlnews said:
How do they wipe?
Is that a Japanese thing? I've never seen those.
Yes, that is a Japanese thing mostly. Conveniently, you don't have to wipe if you choose restrooms carefully.
Obviously, in a public restroom, you will be SoL most of the time, but many private residences have upgraded to the automatic bidet/dryer toilet seat from Toto.
Also, the one is designed to be detachable.
Got a link to the recommended model?
Bidet is very popular here in Crete too, since, you know, you can't flush TP!!
The Toto Washlet
http://www.totousa.com/products/washletsWow, $800. But totally going to be like my first purchase once we own a house again (which we are discussing.)
Woop Disney Life is working on little ones new ASUS tablet. She'll be happy on her birthday.
Now to sort out the other two pads for the other kids and get it working. -
It's hard to wrap my brain around a jet of water cleaning my bum as good as wiping it will.
I see what dirt is missed by the carwash that is sprayers only...
@Dashrender said:
It's hard to wrap my brain around a jet of water cleaning my bum as good as wiping it will.
Funny, I find the idea of using paper to smear poo around hard to fathom cleaning as well as taking a shower. That's why we shower instead of just wiping off with paper, right?
@scottalanmiller said:
@Dashrender said:
It's hard to wrap my brain around a jet of water cleaning my bum as good as wiping it will.
Funny, I find the idea of using paper to smear poo around hard to fathom cleaning as well as taking a shower. That's why we shower instead of just wiping off with paper, right?
I was skeptical of the bidet at first, but it's really much better.
@dafyre said:
I was skeptical of the bidet at first, but it's really much better.
It really is and even moreso if you get a French or Japanese style. Italian style works but is not nearly as easy to deal with.
@Dashrender said:
It's hard to wrap my brain around a jet of water cleaning my bum as good as wiping it will.
I see what dirt is missed by the carwash that is sprayers only...
Only the dirt that has been hanging around for days. If you don't wash your ass for days after taking a shit, then the spray will not do so well either.
@JaredBusch said:
@Dashrender said:
It's hard to wrap my brain around a jet of water cleaning my bum as good as wiping it will.
I see what dirt is missed by the carwash that is sprayers only...
Only the dirt that has been hanging around for days. If you don't wash your ass for days after taking a shit, then the spray will not do so well either.
Almost spit out coffee on my desk there.
Reminds me of an old joke...
What do Captain Kirk and toilet paper have in comon??
They both go around Uranus, searching for Klingons -
@jt1001001 said:
Reminds me of an old joke...
What do Captain Kirk and toilet paper have in comon??
They both go around Uranus, searching for Klingons -
Good ol' cnn
@brianlittlejohn said:
Good ol' cnn
CNN: Where's Honk Kong?
throws dart at world map
CNN: There
Intern: Isn't that Brazil?
CNN: SILENCE! The dart NEVER lies! -
A USB plug will remain in a state of superposition until it is observed...
@brianlittlejohn said:
A USB plug will remain in a state of superposition until it is observed...
I thought that was known as Schrodinger's USB stick, it is both up and down, until you look?
@NattNatt Schrodinger's cat was an example of superposition. It is in both up(alive) and down(dead) states until observerd
@brianlittlejohn said:
@NattNatt Schrodinger's cat was an example of superposition. It is in both up(alive) and down(dead) states until observerd
Isn't that what I just said..?
It is in both states until observed..?
@NattNatt I misread/understood what you said... my bad
@brianlittlejohn said:
@NattNatt I misread/understood what you said... my bad
Hah no worries, confused me there
Dumb DIY gamer ruins his GPU..