@JaredBusch said in Tell me about how HP deal registrations work:
@Carnival-Boy said:
Exactly, Breffni. That's why I wrote earlier "So one of my main criteria for a "good VAR" is that when I order something, the right product turns up at my door at the right time."
In many ways, I find the Account Manager more important that the VAR. A good account manager will do lots of chasing for you to make sure everything is ordered and delivered prompty, and know the right people to talk to if you have any queries or problems. Several times I've ditched a VAR because the account manager leaves and I don't like his replacement.
The account manager IS the VAR for all intents and purposes. If they suck you tell them to piss up a rope and get you one that has a brain or you will take your business to a different VAR.
And good VARs work hard to maintain good account managers, keep them with their clients and give them the tools to be successful.