Paging @Bob-Beatty and @Grey !
Controversial posts made by thanksajdotcom
RE: RANT: All the Issues are My Fault and You Won't Answer My Questions
@thecreativeone91 said:
@tonyshowoff said:
You sure bitch about everything a lot
I complain about a lot of things, sure. However I also have made many comments about how much I enjoy working there, how much I care about my job, some of the great people I work with, and so on. I don't deal well with people who are lazy or apathetic at the store, because that job is very personal to me. It's the reason I'm good at my job and why people come back to see ME and ONLY me. So yes, I complain. But it's because I'm frustrated by things that I can't fix, and I'm the kind of person who likes to fix things.
RE: Apple Announcement Sept. 2014
@scottalanmiller said:
@ajstringham said:
@scottalanmiller said:
@ajstringham said:
Is it bigger than the Note 3 or a couple other Android phones? If yes, fine. If not, still doesn't stand.
Note 3 is 5.7", iPhone 6+ is 5.5". Among the largest phones. Large enough that it's crossing into the "when is it an iPad" territory. Large enough that I'd call it a tablet, not a phone. If you can't use it as a phone, it's not a phone.
That's not THAT big. I've seen phones bigger than the Note 3. Now those are nuts. However, that can be a nice size, for some things. I like my S4, as it's a little smaller, and therefore more compact.
Well I have an iPad, that is 10". We are into a game of calling tablets phones. There are 7" and 10" iPads. And there are 4.7" and 5.5" iPhones. The gap between the largest phone and the smallest tablet isn't as big as between the two tablets. Basically you now have any size you want within reasonable granularity. So size isn't really a factor anymore.
Any complaints about size now are really just excuses. Nearly all phones come in nearly all sizes.
That is true.
RE: A printer question from me
@PSX_Defector said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
This just seems small to me.
I know that's what your girl said to you the other night. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, burn!
I've got plenty packing, thank you very much. Now you on the other hand...
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@thecreativeone91 said:
@dafyre said:
It also depends on the problem. I've worked in Student Information systems that were buggy as all get out. Sure, IT can work aroudn the issues with a few SQL Queries and patch the problem until it happens again... But instead, we should call the vendor and see what their recommendations are first. If they say "We'll fix it later"... Then "A patching we will go... "
People soft? I always say replace the crappy software.
Staples still uses that for their associate connection site. They've used it for many years.
RE: Apple Announcement Sept. 2014
@scottalanmiller said:
@ajstringham said:
Is it bigger than the Note 3 or a couple other Android phones? If yes, fine. If not, still doesn't stand.
Note 3 is 5.7", iPhone 6+ is 5.5". Among the largest phones. Large enough that it's crossing into the "when is it an iPad" territory. Large enough that I'd call it a tablet, not a phone. If you can't use it as a phone, it's not a phone.
That's not THAT big. I've seen phones bigger than the Note 3. Now those are nuts. However, that can be a nice size, for some things. I like my S4, as it's a little smaller, and therefore more compact.
RE: Skype For Business Dropped
@RojoLoco said:
@mlnews said:
Or drops a dope beat.
Or drops the mic.
Or drop the bomb...
Youtube Video -
RE: RANT: All the Issues are My Fault and You Won't Answer My Questions
@Aaron-Studer said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
Now I thought I'd scheduled my cron job to reboot the FiOS router last night at 5AM EDT but I accidentally enabled WAN telnet and not local telnet, so it didn't.
You enabled telnet on the WAN! =O
Yeah, that was an accident. I meant to enable it over the LAN. I'm not worried. Anyone could have figured out the username (it's "admin") but the password is fully complex and 17 characters. It was open like that for 12 hours tops. Everything was fine.
RE: Apple Announcement Sept. 2014
@scottalanmiller said:
I'm thinking that the watch actually would help to keep me "technology free." I can't be disconnected but it lets me less "involved."
Why can't you ever be disconnected? I personally think you "need" to be more than you really need to be.
RE: Skype For Business Dropped
@RojoLoco said:
Apparently, MS now "drops" software like record labels "drop" albums. Word.
I see what you did there...
RE: The Most Convoluted Network EVER!
@JaredBusch said:
You all forget that it is AJ, the thief, that stated in the other thread to just use the DNS and DHCP because it did not matter if you had CALs or not.
STFU @JaredBusch.
RE: Apple Announcement Sept. 2014
@scottalanmiller said:
@ajstringham said:
That's my other gripe with iPhones, personally. I like a bigger phone. The iPhone feels tiny to me.
How big do you want? The new iPhone 6+ is enormous. That's a small tablet, not a phone.
Is it bigger than the Note 3 or a couple other Android phones? If yes, fine. If not, still doesn't stand.
RE: New Environment Roaming Profiles with Pre-Existing Data
@thecreativeone91 said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
Folder Redirection provides all the same benefits as Roaming Profiles
It's not the same. It is similar but it's only used for certain folders. Roaming profiles will do everything including AppData and the registry items.
It was a generalization. He could probably setup folder redirection for documents, etc and then just use roaming profiles for the AppData, etc. The question is, moving away from Citrix, do people still need all that AppData info synced?
RE: Apple Announcement Sept. 2014
@JaredBusch said:
@ajstringham said:
Hmmm....interesting. I did not know this piece of info...
Obvious reasons are obvious.
insert confused face here
RE: New Environment Roaming Profiles with Pre-Existing Data
Folder Redirection provides all the same benefits as Roaming Profiles without the long login/logoff times due to the syncing. It's a much better approach. It'll also be easier to setup for you.
RE: Apple Announcement Sept. 2014
@Minion-Queen said:
Womens pants really don't have front pockets. You are lucky if a tick tack can fit in some of them. Bra or back pockets are where it has to go!
Hmmm....interesting. I did not know this piece of info...
RE: Issue with an ERL behind a CradlePoint MBR1400
@thecreativeone91 said:
Have you tried hard setting the duplex & speeds and also maybe try a cross-over cable between them.
Most modern networking devices don't care about the pattern of the wires, as long as it's consistent. They can make almost anything work.