Controversial posts made by thanksajdotcom
RE: If you were deploying all new APs today, N or AC?
One main advantage of AC over N is that even though you may not gain the speeds of AC, you get a highly extended (as far as range) N network. The difference in range between N and AC is huge! Oh, and Gigabit to the desktops? ABSOLUTELY! Sure, you'll almost never actually utilize full gigabit, but even 200 or 300Mb/sec improves performance SIGNIFICANTLY over just Fast Ethernet.
RE: Our Community Guidelines
And @addie herself said what I was in the middle of
RE: New Sleep Recommendations from the US
Had an argument about this tonight...i don't think the person I was talking to believed me...
RE: How to deal with Internet Trolls!?
It'd be like saying "I wish I could cross the USA in just 30 minutes without spending a fortune". The concept is there but the person who actually develops some sort of hyper-speed transport system would be fine.
RE: New Sleep Recommendations from the US
@garak0410 said:
Speaking of sleep, weaning myself off Ambien the next few weeks...going to be tough...
Point is, I feel your pain...
RE: How to deal with Internet Trolls!?
@thecreativeone91 said:
@scottalanmiller said:
@thecreativeone91 said:
@MattSpeller said:
@Nic You invent a workable system for internet reputation that does not violate privacy and you'll be a billionaire. Conservatively.
Just be sure to quit webroot first. Some companies have strict Intellectual property rules.
Too late, he's posted the idea. Most intellectual property right contracts state "when you think of it" not "when you make the money from it."
Dang. Sorry @Nic you just made Webroot rich.
Actually, I argue he posted the concept but not the idea. The general concept for a system was posted but not the actual idea for how said system would work. I say he's fine.
RE: New Sleep Recommendations from the US
@garak0410 said:
Speaking of sleep, weaning myself off Ambien the next few weeks...going to be tough...
I stopped taking sleeping pills my senior year of high school after I realized they didn't help me fall asleep or stay asleep but only made me non-functional the next day...I was on sleeping pills for over a decade...and yes, that meant I started sleeping pills when I was ~5...
RE: Replacement for CloudatCost
@Aaron-Studer said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
@Aaron-Studer said:
Do you legally own any of them?
All of them?
Sorry, but one question per person.
RE: Random Thread - Anything Goes
@scottalanmiller said in Random Thread - Anything Goes:
@thanksajdotcom said in Random Thread - Anything Goes:
Since when are Muslims not white? Muslim does not denote a race. The vast majority of Muslims are, in fact, white.
I think most would consider them "brown".
RE: New Sleep Recommendations from the US
Finally got a referral to a pulmonoligist to get my sleep apnea looked at...can't wait til I sleep soundly again!
RE: How to Deal with a Manager on a Power Trip
@thecreativeone91 said:
This is going to sound mean.. But please don't take it that way. I mean it to be helpful.
Have you thought about going to a Counselor/Psychologist? I think that could help, there is some reason you are making a bigger deal out of nothing.
Have in the past. It didn't help at the time, but I'm looking into going again.
RE: New Sleep Recommendations from the US
There are actually plenty of times I feel MORE tired if I sleep 7+ hours...
RE: How to Deal with a Manager on a Power Trip
Why is everyone focusing on the singing?! Tiny part of one example...
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
I really want to catch up to Dashrender and get back to the second spot for top posters, where I belong! Lol
Wish I could merge my other profile on here to add those posts...oh
RE: New Sleep Recommendations from the US
@Nic said:
I think you can throw that all out the window Scott - you're one of those people who genetically need less sleep. weird part is that @scottalanmiller and I are actually the same in this. I can sustain 5-6 hours for months and years and be fine.
RE: Firefox 31.0 Issue
@scottalanmiller said:
So you just deleted Firefox and are now trying to run it? I have no idea what you are trying to do. What are you trying to do here?
We've established he has NO idea what he's doing...