Still angry at the job after NTG that, as they are telling me that they wanted to put me on the tech services team (their name for the engineering team) and how I'd be much more suited for a Junior Sys Admin position or the like, they are firing me because they said I wasn't following procedure. I should also note that the procedures they were quoting weren't documented anywhere or were very poorly documented. Believe me, I'd looked. Most of the stuff you were basically expected to either know or just basically figure out. Oh well...
Controversial posts made by thanksajdotcom
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
RE: Money or Happiness?
@thecreativeone91 said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
The GM isn't real happy with me for changing my mind
I wouldn't be either. People like it when you stick to your word.
Well he's still got 31 days before the current Expert leaves. I didn't leave him high and dry at the last minute.
RE: Replacement for CloudatCost
@Aaron-Studer said:
@coliver said:
@Aaron-Studer I think you are missing the point here. He is also distributing them.
WHAT?! @thanksajdotcom How do you like prison?
I'm not charging for it. I'm also not in the mood today to deal with s*** [moderated] like that comment, so if you don't have anything to add to the OP, shut it.
RE: RANT: All the Issues are My Fault and You Won't Answer My Questions
@thecreativeone91 said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
@thecreativeone91 said:
Maybe not an employer but still...
Seriously? I don't see how this could possibly apply.
Sharing too much information online and ranting out someone you where helping..
We all rant about end-users, etc. This one isn't even tied to a job. That's why I don't understand why you're making an issue out of it.
RE: IT Certs - Not Entirely Accurate Report
@scottalanmiller said:
@Bill-Kindle said:
@scottalanmiller I've had that cert coming up on 6 years I think. Been working in IT in one capacity or another 10+ years now. I mean, unless 29 still means I'm too young......
It sure does. Average time in IT is more like 22 years and average age is like 43. And that's industry average. Average of those with certs is even higher.
Step back and just try to define a certified industry average and use real numbers. You'll find that you are very young.
I'm still young and have 25 years experience and am a decade older.
25 years is a bit of stretch. You haven't been in IT since you were 12. You might have started learning stuff at 12 but don't say you have 25 years of experiencing, as that's deceiving.
RE: Outlook crashing when sending messages
@Kelly said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
@Hubtech said:
AJ, if you read above, i had already done that to no avail. It was a problem with some of the autocomplete entries had corrupted.
Oh ok, my bad. I rarely will go back through and carefully read everything previously written in a thread.
That was in the OP.
Ok, I missed it completely. I've been kind of out of it today, so my sincere apologies.
RE: Microsoft Action Pack Jumps $125 in Price
@scottalanmiller said:
I'm pretty confident that they care. Those licenses are how they make their money.
Ok, let me rephrase. They have to catch me!
RE: RANT: All the Issues are My Fault and You Won't Answer My Questions
@thecreativeone91 said:
Maybe not an employer but still...
Seriously? I don't see how this could possibly apply.
RE: Outlook crashing when sending messages
@Hubtech said:
AJ, if you read above, i had already done that to no avail. It was a problem with some of the autocomplete entries had corrupted.
Oh ok, my bad. I rarely will go back through and carefully read everything previously written in a thread.
RANT: All the Issues are My Fault and You Won't Answer My Questions
So I hooked my equipment back up at my parents' house last night. Now this morning apparently my mother spent four hours fighting with issues that are all my fault.
Issue 1:
My mother couldn't connect to the FiOS router's wifi this morning. When FiOS routers experience any traffic that exceeds basic web browsing and some Netflix, the wireless seems to crap out. Happened at my previous residence. The fix is reboot the router. Now I thought I'd scheduled my cron job to reboot the FiOS router last night at 5AM EDT but I accidentally enabled WAN telnet and not local telnet, so it didn't. Rebooted it remotely today and fixed that configuration error on my part, and she connected no issue. Now the cron job is set to run again every morning at 5AM. This one was actually my fault, so I accept that.Issue 2:
My mother was yelling at me how she couldn't scan and she HAD to scan something NOW. So first I'm thinking the MFP lost a network connection, so since I rebooted the router, I tell her to reboot the MFP. Finally, after she's sending me a screenshot showing that her machine is not communicating, I ask her to check the IP of the machine and what her computer is setup to use as the IP. This is when she tells me it's wired directly to the computer. First facepalm.So I ask her to confirm it's hooked up via USB. Now my mother is an intelligent woman, and terms like ethernet cable and USB are usually no issue for her. However, when she gets upset, it's almost like her mind does this mental dump and she forgets everything she knows about computers. After much shouting on her part and me telling her how I can't help her if she doesn't answer my questions, she tells me her printer has always been connected to her computer via ethernet. This confused me at first, and it only got worse. Come to find out, she's connected an ethernet cable from her printer to the ethernet jack of her computer. She then proceeds to yell at me about how this is how it's worked for the past year and how she's always done it. My exact response: "How...that's not how that works..."
Now, I suppose that POSSIBLY she has some weird P2P thing going and that's how it's worked but that also makes no sense to me as that'd require an incredibly complex setup and I just don't see how she could have done that. I'm trying to explain to her that using an ethernet cable for this is not correct. It either needs to be networked or using a USB cable. Again, more shouting about this is how she's always done it and I'm still just as confused. AFAIK, it's a Canon MFP but I can't confirm that.
Issue 3:
Finally, she asks if she can just take it to Staples and get it scanned in there. I told her she should be able to. I told her she just needs the document and a flash drive. Well the reaction I got was as if "flash drive" was some term in a foreign language she'd never heard before. Now I know when I moved out and went to Texas, my mother usually had 3-4 flash drives laying around at any given point. She used the term regularly. But now she seems to have lost them all and any memory of what a flash drive is. She ended up raiding one from my father's desk.Now I enjoy helping non-technical people with their issues as a rule. It's why I like working at Staples. However, when it comes to family, apparently I'm a moron and my questions aren't worth answering! GAH! I finally told my mother I could not help her if she would not answer the questions I was asking. I even offered to take my lunch and run home and fix this for her. She declined. So now I'm just left baffled and irritated. I understand if you don't know why it's doing what it's doing or if you're frustrated, but if I'm asking a question and trying to help you, not answering my question is not going to help anyone!
Here is the screenshot btw...
A.J. -
RE: Interview at IBM Tommorrow(26-Apr-2015)
@Carnival-Boy said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
Again, I like helping people. Most people view someone who constantly corrects someone as haughty or kind of a jackass. @scottalanmiller can back me up on this, but when people with my type of mind correct you, it's to benefit you.
If you look like a jackass, smell like a jackass, and sound like a jackass, guess what? You're probably a jackass. Saying "people with my type of mind" is just a cop-out, I don't know why you're name dropping Scott - I don't see him being a jackass.
I name dropped @scottalanmiller because he understands how I think. Most people will constantly correct someone to be condescending. That's not me. I do it because I want to help someone and help them improve. It's the exact opposite motivation as most people. I know most people don't understand that and quite literally have a mental block that means they can't. They are so conditioned to how it is with most of the world.
Still, from a statistical standpoint, people like me and @scottalanmiller are a tiny percentage of the population.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
It's a Hollywood Undead kind of morning
Youtube Video -
RE: Interview at IBM Tommorrow(26-Apr-2015)
Again, I like helping people. Most people view someone who constantly corrects someone as haughty or kind of a jackass. @scottalanmiller can back me up on this, but when people with my type of mind correct you, it's to benefit you. We aren't trying to make you feel stupid or foolish. We're trying to tell you that what you're currently saying/doing is wrong, and that if you fix it, you'll be better for it. Maybe that's one reason I handle criticism so well. Anyways, from now on, when you're writing your posts, I want you to imagine that your dream job in the US depended on how your post read and if it made sense to a native English speaker. Maybe that will help you take it more seriously. Take it from me: if you build a good reputation online, it can open A LOT of doors for you in your career. But having the English skills that don't match that of most elementary/grammar/grade school kids who are native English speakers will be the biggest detriment you can have.
RE: Interview at IBM Tommorrow(26-Apr-2015)
@Lakshmana, from now on, please don't use mail and email interchangeably. They are not the same, and especially given your area of the world, if it's email, say email. If it's mail, say mail. Don't use mail for email.
RE: Interview at IBM Tommorrow(26-Apr-2015)
@Lakshmana said:
@thecreativeone91 said:
Brenda Swatek
Thanks for your help.I will email her soon
How, did he give you her email?
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@thecreativeone91 said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
@coliver said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
Realized I might have given my landlord too much credit...I needed to forward ports on his router, which mine piggybacks off of, to my router for various things, (like FTP, HTTP, SSH and 32400 for Plex) and he wouldn't give me the password, so I assume he'd set it. It's the standard-issue Verizon router. Password is written on the side of the router. It's still that. The whole configuration was the Verizon default, and I know he never goes in it. So now I have full access to local and C@C resources again!
Be careful, from what I recall this is technically breaking the law, of which you just admitted on a public forum.
I don't see how. As far as his router is concerned, it's just another device. Also, I don't have my own apartment or meter. I'm a resident at the same address as him, and I pitch in towards some of the bills.
billing tenants for utilities not in their own name is illegal in many localities. But aside from that. You just admitted to gaining unauthorized access to a device. which is illegal. (US Code 1030 deals with this).
He doesn't. I give him a fixed amount each month just to help out with what I bring as an expense, and I get to stay here. And sure, I used a password to the router/modem, but it's written on the outside of the router. And I'm a resident of this house.
RE: Interview at IBM Tommorrow(26-Apr-2015)
Good luck. The English Assessment Test could definitely be problematic...