Hi All,
I don't have much experience with relational databases and my SQL knowledge is mainly built around resource provisioning for SQL servers (VMs).
There is one small company with horribly messed up IT infrastructure I help out at the moment. While sorting their mess out, I want to trial a Zerotier VPN between the main office's server and a smallish (5 workstations) remote branch. The remote branch connects to the main office over a Site-to-Site VPN configured on the ancient (10 y.o.) home grade networking hardware on ADSL (both branches will get 100/40 HFC links soon). They already bought two Edge Router lite as I told them and I already configured those boxes with route-based site-to-site VPN (both sites have static public IPs). However, I want to test something more modern and flexible like ZeroTier for them so I've installed ZeroTier agents on the SQL Server (Physical Server 2008 R2 machine) and the Win10 test PC at the remote location. They can ping each other on the ZeroTier interfaces.
The remote branch staff is accessing an SQL Express database at the main office using a custom built ERP client that talks to the database using an alias of (it listens to a custom port too). Is it possible by design to add another alias with the new ZeroTier interface's IP and on the SQL server to connect the remote ERP clients to? Or is there another way for the SQL DB to also talk to the remote clients with Zerotier's IP without removing the current alias? (I want it for the local clients). I know there is a registry workaround to add a new NIC for the SQL server to listen to but it's configured with an alias and the server's NIC is not even listed in the IP Addresses tab of the TCP/IP properties in SQL Configuration Manager.
I appreciate your advice, folks.