@dustinb3403 said in Local powershell script to pull AdObject without installing RSAT:
Is this a Windows 7 pc that would be running this powershell script?
Yes. Win 7 Pro. PS Logon script
@dustinb3403 said in Local powershell script to pull AdObject without installing RSAT:
Is this a Windows 7 pc that would be running this powershell script?
Yes. Win 7 Pro. PS Logon script
@dustinb3403 said in Local powershell script to pull AdObject without installing RSAT:
Why can't you simply use the powershell module for AD administration?
Isn't to use powershell for AD you need to import AD module first? And to import AD module I need RSAT. Am I missing something? I guess I don't understand what you meant.
Hi all,
I am looking for a way to pull ADObject directly from logon script running Windows 7. We have a value that needs to be update frequently (once a week or so). Currently we have 2 scripts. First script runs on the server to output values to CSV files. Second script runs locally on logon script to change the value based on CSV file.
Last week we made some changes on the file server and the logon script broke due to file path invalid. This is not a big deal as we quickly fix the problem, but we want to get away from relying on file server. Basically, we want logon script to pull ADObject directly from Active Directory.
Our problem is we do not want to install RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) on the local machine. Second is the command will run as logged user. Any idea on how to overcome this problem?
We looked at WMI-Object as it does pull some basic information, but the information we want is in Telephony tab under IPphone.
All ideas and suggestions are welcome. Cheers
EDIT: I asked about this in the past (post). The answer I was given was to install RSAT. My manager preferred not to install RSAT for any reason (I'm tired to argue with him). So I am looking for alternative option.
@dashrender said in Need idea for running ethernet cable (roughly 70ft in distance):
@scottalanmiller said in Need idea for running ethernet cable (roughly 70ft in distance):
Consider very subtle in wall "patches." Are you allowed to do that? Not technically. But it will look nice and in an inspection, absolutely no one will figure out that you modified anything. You do them back to back in the wall so you don't need to run a cable straight through the wall. You can then use a patch cable from either side to get through the house.
I had to read this a few times to get that Scott was recommending that you install ethernet wallplates on the two sides of the wall with a straight through cable between them, then you can use it as a patch and to the normal onlooker, it looks like it belongs there.
THANK YOU!!! I was a bit confused as well.
@scottalanmiller said in Need idea for running ethernet cable (roughly 70ft in distance):
Consider very subtle in wall "patches." Are you allowed to do that? Not technically. But it will look nice and in an inspection, absolutely no one will figure out that you modified anything. You do them back to back in the wall so you don't need to run a cable straight through the wall. You can then use a patch cable from either side to get through the house.
I will look into this option. I cable inside a wall before but it was a one story house and spacious attic. I may need an expert recommendation on this.
@gjacobse said in Need idea for running ethernet cable (roughly 70ft in distance):
simple... use the shortest path to cable,... out the window
The kitchen wall connect to another condo so I'm guessing there will be firewall separator (hate those things). This may not work.
As for powerline... I do not have great experience with them. Especially in townhome condos. So I would prefer no powerline.
I recently rented a room in a shared condo. Their internet is gigabit, but the router located in the kitchen while my room is on the opposite side second floor. The speedtest when I tested in the kitchen is roughly 700Mbps wired and 200-400 Mbps wireless. But at my room I am getting 20-100 Mbps at best. Most often the wireless connection lost.
So I want to either run a straight ethernet cable to my room directly from the kitchen, or move the router to second floor hallway where all the bedrooms are. The problem is I rented "a room" and everything else is shared. To run the cable I will need either nailing the cable with cable clip or glue gun.
Since I will not be staying here forever, I don't want to leave any permanent damage on the wall/paintjob. Running the cable through the wall is not an option (not yet) since I have not spoke with the landlord yet + most likely they will not allow to do so.
I have all the tools needed to run the cable, but I want to know how to run it with little to no visible damage to the walls/paint. I am thinking of a clear tape then glue gun on the tape. So when I have to move out I only remove the glue gun while leaving the tape (if I cannot remove the tape)
All suggestions are welcome.
We used to have Scan to Folder (Xeros' Workflow), but because of all the lingering PDFs, we changed it to scan to email via SMTP.
@gjacobse said in Recovery recently deleted photo on iPhone?:
@stess said in Recovery recently deleted photo on iPhone?:
@marcinozga said in Recovery recently deleted photo on iPhone?:
@stess Now I realise I missed that part from your original post. Have you tried 3rd party app? PhoneRescue or EaseUS MobiSaver for example? I think those are paid options, but if you really need that photo, it might be worth the investment.
WindowDefender shows trojan in PhoneRescue.
not saying it isn't there,.. but you are trusting a Windows AV product?
i lol'd
I'm thinking of giving them another chance after I got a disposable computer.
@marcinozga said in Recovery recently deleted photo on iPhone?:
@stess Now I realise I missed that part from your original post. Have you tried 3rd party app? PhoneRescue or EaseUS MobiSaver for example? I think those are paid options, but if you really need that photo, it might be worth the investment.
WindowDefender shows trojan in PhoneRescue.
@marcinozga said in Recovery recently deleted photo on iPhone?:
Open Photos app, tap on albums, and go to Recently Deleted album.
It's not there anymore. I just clean out the recently deleted photo last night. that's when I realized I need the photo I took on Tuesday.
@aaronstuder said in Recovery recently deleted photo on iPhone?:
@stess restore it from an old iCloud backup, unless its a new photo?
It's new photo.
@coliver said in Recovery recently deleted photo on iPhone?:
@stess said in Recovery recently deleted photo on iPhone?:
@coliver said in Recovery recently deleted photo on iPhone?:
Was this setup with an iCloud account?
the phone yes. But I delete the photo right after taking it. I don't think there's time for backup to kick in. Is it?
Maybe? No hard in checking your iCloud account.
I just checked and it's not there.
Right now I am hoping on local cache file... assuming Apple deleting file similar to Windows where 1 turn to 0.
@coliver said in Recovery recently deleted photo on iPhone?:
Was this setup with an iCloud account?
the phone yes. But I delete the photo right after taking it. I don't think there's time for backup to kick in. Is it?
So I have some pictures that I took, then delete it... and clear it from 'recently deleted' in Photo... which means it's gone.
There are no backup as it was about 5 minute span from taking the picture to deleting it. Now it needs it back.
I have look at multiple claimed iphone recovery application, but Windows Defender detected trojan on all of them so far.
Anyone has a known working recovery for iPhone picture? The picture was taken on Tuesday so there might still be a chance to get it back?
Please help
Samsung Galaxy Note 8 has a very good reviews... but I'll stick with iPhone just because I already used to its interface + Apple Watch. I think it's more of what you will be doing with it. Big screen = Youtube/Netflex.
@dafyre said in Powershell - Quick question on how to get the command to export to CSV?:
Do you want to see the
Get-AdUser | export-csv -path "c:\export.csv" -notypeinformation
at the top of the CSV file?
I want to see it in the CSV file before the result.
So I know that powershell can do many things...and it can get complicated real fast. I want a way to export the command I used on the powershell along with the result to csv file. Is it possible?
Say the command Get-AdUser | export-csv -path "c:\export.csv" -notypeinformation
The result I want both Get-AdUser's result and the whole [Get-AdUser | export-csv -path "c:\export.csv" -notypeinformation] as well. Any easy way to pipe this ?
@dafyre said in Need help with powershell:
@stess said in Need help with powershell:
@dafyre said in Need help with powershell:
GitHub link: https://github.com/dafyre/PoweshellScripts/blob/master/folderInheritance.ps1
<# .SYNOPSIS File / Folder Auditing script to determine which users have permissions that are *NOT* inherited. .DESCRIPTION Date UpdatedBy Details 08/10/2017 BW Initial coding. #> $path="C:\TEMP" $outFile="myFolderInheritance.csv" $nonInherited=new-object System.Collections.ArrayList $folders=dir $path -Directory -recurse|get-acl| select @{Label='Path';Expression={$_.PSPath.replace("Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::","")}}, @{Label='User';Expression={$_.Access.identityReference}}, @{Label='IsInherited';Expression={$_.Access.IsInherited}}| where {$_.IsInherited -eq $false} foreach ($item in $folders) { $pass=0 write-host "Checking folder $($item.path)" foreach ($user in $item.user) { #$x=$nonInherited "$($item.Path), $($user),$($item.IsInherited[$pass])" $x=$noninherited.add("$($item.Path), $($user),$($item.IsInherited[$pass])") $pass=$pass++ } } $nonInherited|out-file -FilePath $outFile write-host "Done."
These works to certain extend of what I am looking for, but it needs some tweaking to work the way I am expecting the result.
Thanks!How are you wanting the result to look?
The script doesn't appear to be showing false on non-inheritance. There either True or False for every member of the folder regardless of their inheritance.
I am looking into this post right now as it was brought up in Spiceworks.
It shows the result I am hoping for where non-inheritance = false and inherited = true.
@dafyre said in Need help with powershell:
GitHub link: https://github.com/dafyre/PoweshellScripts/blob/master/folderInheritance.ps1
<# .SYNOPSIS File / Folder Auditing script to determine which users have permissions that are *NOT* inherited. .DESCRIPTION Date UpdatedBy Details 08/10/2017 BW Initial coding. #> $path="C:\TEMP" $outFile="myFolderInheritance.csv" $nonInherited=new-object System.Collections.ArrayList $folders=dir $path -Directory -recurse|get-acl| select @{Label='Path';Expression={$_.PSPath.replace("Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::","")}}, @{Label='User';Expression={$_.Access.identityReference}}, @{Label='IsInherited';Expression={$_.Access.IsInherited}}| where {$_.IsInherited -eq $false} foreach ($item in $folders) { $pass=0 write-host "Checking folder $($item.path)" foreach ($user in $item.user) { #$x=$nonInherited "$($item.Path), $($user),$($item.IsInherited[$pass])" $x=$noninherited.add("$($item.Path), $($user),$($item.IsInherited[$pass])") $pass=$pass++ } } $nonInherited|out-file -FilePath $outFile write-host "Done."
These works to certain extend of what I am looking for, but it needs some tweaking to work the way I am expecting the result.