What is this place? Spiceaholics anonymous?
Hey everyone!

Best posts made by ShaunS
RE: If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
Hey everyone. Recognize the majority of the names I have seen so far on these boards, which is nice! mostly.... lol
Soon to be Ex Network Admin for an M.D.F. Manufacturing Plant
Living in Oklahoma,
Moving to the Washington D.C. area soon.hey, do I get to stick around once I am no longer employed, or will I unceremoniously get the boot as I wont be an IT Pro anymore?
So I did a little futile looking around earlier as our Kaspersky subscription runs out in June. Got to looking at Webroot, and I like the sound of the sales pitch (lightweight agent and scans), but the website is very light on detail... As in, how it achieves such a lightweight nature, particularly in the area of scans. (Kaspersky 10 is crippling during scans, as are most other big name AVs. We still use KAV6)
Can anyone help me out with details? Experiences?@nic maybe you can hook me up with someone who can give me functional detail rather than sales pitch?
RE: The New Site Is Up!
A life without drama has always been something I strive for, unfortunately there is this little thing called "Other people in my damn world!"
RE: Webroot
Well fabulous.. Had a nice long reply typed out and as I get half way through the last word my tablet crashes out losing the lot. >.<
Will redo it in the morning when I have an actual keyboard to use!
I really appreciate the quick response guys!
RE: MangoLassi Loads Title Bar But Page Blank
seen it on all my systems over the past few dyas, but a hard refresh has always fixed it...
Latest posts made by ShaunS
RE: Webroot
@Nic said:
@ShaunS said:
Having fun with my Webroot.... I cannot copy/paste in some apps while Webroot is running
Loved how it cleared all my jump lists on install... that was nice! lol
Other than that I don't notice it working, so it gets a good score there...Yeah, we've had some issues with the keylogger protection being a little overprotective of your clipboard. You should be able to whitelist anything that is being blocked - let me know if you have any problems getting that to work. Glad to hear it is doing well otherwise!
Thanks Nic, didnt even think of that!
Found both apps that were giving me problems under "Identity Protection/Application Protection". both were set to "Deny", so I changed them to "protect" like all the other apps showing there, and now it works fine again. -
RE: Webroot
Having fun with my Webroot.... I cannot copy/paste in some apps while Webroot is running
Loved how it cleared all my jump lists on install... that was nice! lol
Other than that I don't notice it working, so it gets a good score there... -
RE: Anyone here use Kaspersky Endpoint Security (KES10)?
I try not to !
I run the admin kit or whatever they call it these days, and V10 of the network agent, but still have all the clients on 6.4 mp3.
8 was unusable, and 10 is a dog.... far too much resource usage... during scans our quad core systems are unusable, and my dual quad core proccessor T5400 slows to a crawl with anything more than a browser open. I keep hoping they will fix the scans, but Kaspersky just say to just schedule the scans during the night so they don't interrupt peoples work..... great suggestion for a 24/7 operation where a lot of he shop floor stations are only P4s..... -
RE: MangoLassi Loads Title Bar But Page Blank
seen it on all my systems over the past few dyas, but a hard refresh has always fixed it...
RE: Webroot
Ok, and the deep scans are nice and light too? Its the full system scans where we run into real issues with Kaspersky after V6, and all other vendors we have tried so far.
Emails coming through from our google accounts are usually fine, its those that come in through our web hosting company that give us grief. They offer a mail AV product from McAfee on the server, but want something like $10 per email address which is just not worth it when our on-premise AV filters incoming mails. If we have to purchase something different to do that task alongside Webroot on the endpoint, that would increase our current cost dramatically ( The listed price for Webroot is already quite a jump from what it cost to renew last time with Kaspersky). -
RE: Webroot
Ok, so its all just at the base machine level. You can have dozens of trojan emails stored on your computer, and Webroot wont do anything until you try to open one, correct?
RE: Webroot
Thanks @nic
We use a Barracuda Web Filter to manage things. We did look at Webroot before buying that, but once again, Cloud got in the way.
So about 300MB per day.... not too heavy at all.
A couple of our sales guys get regular Trojan-laced emails. Kaspersky strips this out before they ever even see them. Does Webroot function in a similar fashion? (POP3 in Outlook.... dont have anything fancy like Exchange) -
RE: Webroot
Ok, trying this again.
Here in this particular backwater of rural Oklahoma, we have a local phone company with a total monopoly. This means that up till now 'Cloud' has been a dirty word around here as all we had was a semi-reliable 1.5mb DSL line. anything that involved critical communication with the outside world just to run was a no go.
Recently we acquired a 5mb wireless link from outside the monopoly, and a Barracuda Link Balancer, so now we have a little more reliability and speed because even if the new 5mb flakes out, we still have the 1.5mb... having both flake out together should be relatively infrequent, but around here it only takes one fool with a backhoe or jackhammer to nerf the whole areas internet.So I guess my questions here would be:
- How much traffic are we looking at just for Webroot? If all its doing is passing MD5 back & forth it shouldn't be much I wouldn't think, but as our bandwidth is already somewhat limited, it is a concern. (100 endpoints, approx)
- What level of protection do we have when the internet is offline? if the client is reliant on connectivity for answers to "good or bad", is it just monitoring idly with no real clue when it has no connection?
RE: Webroot
Well fabulous.. Had a nice long reply typed out and as I get half way through the last word my tablet crashes out losing the lot. >.<
Will redo it in the morning when I have an actual keyboard to use!
I really appreciate the quick response guys!
So I did a little futile looking around earlier as our Kaspersky subscription runs out in June. Got to looking at Webroot, and I like the sound of the sales pitch (lightweight agent and scans), but the website is very light on detail... As in, how it achieves such a lightweight nature, particularly in the area of scans. (Kaspersky 10 is crippling during scans, as are most other big name AVs. We still use KAV6)
Can anyone help me out with details? Experiences?@nic maybe you can hook me up with someone who can give me functional detail rather than sales pitch?