We tried refurb cartridges several years ago and it was terrible. Probably 25% failure rate, and several toner explosions. I hate printer troubleshooting anyway, so it isn't worth the pain to me.
Posts made by ChristopherO
RE: Compatible toner / ink vs. genuine toner / ink
RE: Doing an Office 365 Migration
@Dashrender said:
In the case of Spiceworks, some people do want SW to receive email for mobile tickets.
SW can log into Office 365 just fine. Mailing in tickets still works for me.
RE: Doing an Office 365 Migration
@Nara said:
That was possibly me mentioning the 500 limit? That's the maximum amount of outbound messages an Office 365 user can send per day.
For a quick and easy internal relay, add the Windows Server SMTP service, configure the IP addresses of the devices you want to relay, then add the authentication components. Just make sure the from: address is set the same as the account the relay's using to authenticate.
This is what I did, only without setting it to send everything to O365, just a regular mail relay. Then on the SPF record leave my IP as one that can send mail for my domain. Has worked great so far.
RE: Should I stay or should I go?
I'm back to my 5s after trying out a Windows phone and a Note 3 for 3 weeks. iPhone was sorely missed, and I'm happy to have it back. Hoping the 6 gets a bigger screen, but I'm happy enough for now having something that really works,
RE: One Big RAID 10 - A New Standard for Servers: Scott Alan Miller Speaking at SpiceCorps DFW 2012
And for some reason I read it the other way. Nevermind my inability to read
RE: One Big RAID 10 - A New Standard for Servers: Scott Alan Miller Speaking at SpiceCorps DFW 2012
@scottalanmiller They asked you not to? What in the world? I know there's a lot more going on than I'm aware of, but doggone that's getting ridiculous.
RE: New XP migration tool
We just got rid of our last XP machine last week happy dance
USMT worked great for us. -
RE: Do you find a tablet useful for work?
Not much while I'm at work, I have my quad screen workstation here
And when I'm on-site somewhere I have my Helix laptop/tablet combo, though usually in tablet mode. At home I use the iPad for most work-related things when I really have to, rarely break out the Helix at home. However anytime I'm doing major notetaking (Sunday morning
) I love the Helix and OneNote.
I use my Nexus 7 for book reading.
RE: Zoho ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus is Now Free!
@Aaron-Studer I was logged into my SaaS trial, then up at the top where it complains about you have 30 days left or whatever just click that and it takes you to the purchase page.
RE: Zoho ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus is Now Free!
I "bought" 10 tech licenses for the SaaS model for $0.00, so it looks like it to me. I starts out in a trial mode, but go to buy licenses and the standard price is 0.
RE: Zoho ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus is Now Free!
I'm playing with the SaaS model this morning. Love what I'm seeing so far, but trying to import my AD users isn't going well. The provisioning app refuses to bind - tells me I have the wrong username or password...but the same combinations work fine in LDP.exe
RE: Hey Siri, Meet Cortana!
@ajstringham I tried Swype, and I was fast at times, but it didn't seem to get word accuracy down very well for me. I'd go slower because I'd swype and wait to see what word it picked - if I just tried to go I'd have a sentence that sounded like it came out of PSX'd drunken stupor. Or would that be when he's sober?
RE: Hey Siri, Meet Cortana!
I have a laundry list of reasons
and yah I go back and forth between Apple and Google maps, not entirely trusting either.
On the Note 3 the last straw was spending the day driving and on site at several locations last Friday. Pandora would just stop playing music. Slacker would do the same thing after ads. I'd get off of a call while in a building when nothing was playing before and it would start playing a podcast. Once I noticed it was playing and I had missed a couple of podcasts I hadn't listened to and the device was muted so it just kept playing...
I have other reasons too, I just seem to work better with iPhone. I can type upwards of 30+ wpm on iPhone, the Note I maybe could do 10. Multitasking works better for me. The camera on the Note was amazing on a perfect still picture, but any motion and it was a blurry mess. I have several young children and it stunk for that. The Voyager Legend works better with the iPhone (and Siri to bring it back to this thread). A couple of Android guys told me I must have a dud, but I think this is the 6th Android device I've tried over the past few years and I've had nothing but duds. I really tried to like it this time, but it just didn't work out.
RE: Hey Siri, Meet Cortana!
I tried out a Windows Phone a couple months back and I don't think their voice command stuff has gotten much better since my old Tilt Windows Mobile device. And I just went back to iPhone after having a Note 3 for 3 weeks...I don't think I use Siri much, but she is WAY better than Samsung or Google Now. Especially handy when in the car with a BT headset.
RE: If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
Well, in true fashion this thread has already degenerated from it's original intent.
Hi, I am Christopher, and back in the Ghostbusters hayday I won an action figure, and Bill Murray himself handed it to my 7 year old self