Hubtech/AKA Kyle
Awesome and Congrats. Is this their first?
Yes this is. They are very proud parents. But @Hubtech is down with the flu and banned from the hospital right now!
@Minion-Queen said:
Yes this is. They are very proud parents. But @Hubtech is down with the flu and banned from the hospital right now!
Oh that SUCKS!
@Minion-Queen said:
Yes this is. They are very proud parents. But @Hubtech is down with the flu and banned from the hospital right now!
NNOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Get well soon @Hubtech !
hey guys, sorry i've been gone for a while! Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. We are quickly learning that Preemie life is a stressful life.
My wife is doing well, she was discharged yesterday so that's a blessing.
Little Ayden pooped last night! this was a big deal for us, his "guts" are the only system not operating as needed for him to start feeding outside of the IV. The docs believe he's got a blockage somewhere between his stomach and diaper. He is going to be transported to UMC which is the top of the line hospital in our area. They have NICU specific equipment that ours here in hattiesburg lacks. It's possible that he could need some surgery to take care of whatever is backing him up.
I'm stuck at home with the flu which is tough. Mama is having to go through all of this without me to support her and help with all of the logistics (which is my strong point) and dealing with all of the data that they are throwing at her. Just pray that I heal up quick and can join back in this journey.
You are DEFINETLEY in our thoughts and prayers. Let us know if the community can be of any help to you.
Good luck, everyone is here for you!
Best to you - As @scottalanmiller stated,.. everyone is here for you if needed.
I just spoke to @Hubtech his little man is starting to do well. The new hospital is much better equipped to help him. If you want to keep up with what is going on you can check out their blog here:
Good to hear!
Hello all, great news on the home-front!
Ayden is getting transferred back to hattiesburg's NICU!!! this is great for me and mom. It means I can get back to working a bit more regular and we can move into our new home etc. Not to mention Ayden is doing awesomely well!!! pretty much we are waiting for him to learn to take his whole bottle and then dude can come home. thank all of you for your prayers and thoughts through all of this!
Whoo hoo, great news!!
Glad to hear! Thoughts and prayers coming your way!
Great news bro!
That is really great news!
Here's an update: -
Wonderful news!! I'm thinking of you.
I just saw on Facebook they are taking the little guy home today!
Congrats @Hubtech