What Are You Doing Right Now
@scottalanmiller Ok I will. I have CentOS7 on my main comp, but I'll put that on the one I was going to try arch on.
Dinner last night.
@scottalanmiller said:
@g.jacobse said:
@MattSpeller said:
@g.jacobse waaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit a sec - once you have the live version on it, can't you then install full? Am I just crazy / thinking of live CD options?
aka - boot to live CD, install onto usb from there?
Yes you can. I just attempting to have a NTFS or FAT32 volume as wee on the USB drive.
Running a full install on flash media will kill it very quickly.
That is not what I wanted to hear. I want to use the Mini USB drive that I have. It doesn't protrude much and is easy to transport around. For the Asus eeePC 1000HE laptop I have, it's perfect. Could I install it on the internal Hard drive - yes I could. But that defeats my 'goal'.
Using a External Hard drive, either PATA, SATA or SSD again defeats the goal of having something in the pocket, ready to go, and won't snag on things badly.
Randomly went to my website and got a 502 from nginx. Apparently the php-fpm service stopped. Setting up monit.
That was really simple. I've never used monit before, only supervisor.
knock knock... anyone here?
@Joy Sort of, kind of, but not really
just in the door at home after 4.5 hours driving up from St. Louis to Chicago. unpacking and laundry next on the list.
Bentley staring at the fountain. Always mesmerizes her.
Also, howhow do you get to the bottom of a thread on mobile without scrolling?
@johnhooks said:

You need to wait until it swaps form % to the URL in the uploading.
@johnhooks said:
Also, howhow do you get to the bottom of a thread on mobile without scrolling?
At the moment, it sucks. They broke/ took away that feature again. Mobile did have the last reply link for a while on the 0.7.0 update. then poofed on 0.7.1
@JaredBusch ha fixed it. It was going really slow.
Oh OK, thanks.
The universe found out I want to buy a boat and slapped me with a surprise car repair exceeding my boat savings. Sigh.
Just drove from Panama City to Playa Blanca. Back with the family.
Hey, the thread just hit 1.4m views which is a pretty big milestone for us because when we looked first for the all time busiest thread on any NodeBB platform of all time was only 1.4m. They are bigger than that now, but we are catching up with them pretty quickly.
Busy day around here! Time to get caught up.
Just emailed the application for for the Japanese dual language program that the district here in Chicago has.
I was amazed to learn about this being offered in a public school. I was expecting to have to send them to a private Japanese school on Saturday again. The secretary said no way to get in my kindergartner, but the 2nd grader has a good shot at space open in the program.
I can't get used to typing dnf instead of yum...
Experiencing time distortion field as 5pm approaches on Friday
Hanging out with @Bob-Beatty at Playa Blanca.