What Are You Doing Right Now
@scottalanmiller said:
Second shift is rarely a promotion. Normally that is the least sought after shift.
Sometimes yes and some times no. When on a auto manufacturing Help Desk, First shift started at 5:30,.. the plant started at 6am. People started arriving as early as 4am to beat the crowd parking.
I got shifted to Second shift late in my time there so I would work 5:30pm to 2am, and it was the best time of day for me.
So,.. dealing with Home ownership issues. We moved into the house in October 2005, the external side of the heat pump has failed. I'll refrain from saying the unit maker,.. but It's died on us four times now in that 10 years...
And I was about to have it serviced for the new season....
@g.jacobse said:
So,.. dealing with Home ownership issues. We moved into the house in October 2005, the external side of the heat pump has failed. I'll refrain from saying the unit maker,.. but It's died on us four times now in that 10 years...
And I was about to have it serviced for the new season....
I've been happy with my Heil HVAC. Though truthfully it's just as much if not more about the skill of the person who installs it as it is the unit itself.
It's funny, years ago it was the race to the top.. get the highest clock speeds, best performance cpus. Now, a lot of ultrabooks, macbooks etc are using Intel Core M low power cpu's with clocks of as low as 800mhz.
Getting ready for my gig. Finally got my packing done (good thing since I wont be home till like 3am and have to get up at 5:30am). Next post will probably be from JFK while I try and get through Security which is always fun with all the African Country stamps I have in my passport.
@thecreativeone91 said:
It's funny, years ago it was the race to the top.. get the highest clock speeds, best performance cpus. Now, a lot of ultrabooks, macbooks etc are using Intel Core M low power cpu's with clocks of as low as 800mhz.
They realized that speed pretty much meant nothing.
@scottalanmiller said:
@thecreativeone91 said:
It's funny, years ago it was the race to the top.. get the highest clock speeds, best performance cpus. Now, a lot of ultrabooks, macbooks etc are using Intel Core M low power cpu's with clocks of as low as 800mhz.
They realized that speed pretty much meant nothing.
Yeah. I though AMD pretty much proved that years ago when they made the better preforming and cheaper Athlons with slower clock speed than the Intel Pentium 4's which ran way too hot, used a lot of power, had a high clock speed and bad performance.
Man, people really don't understand what a TPM/Device Encryption does. It only prevents taking the data off using another device to access the Harddrive. Doesn't protect if steal the tiny device as the TPM is there (and therefore encrypted). http://community.spiceworks.com/topic/940721-from-smart-dust-to-pocket-sized-projectors-pocket-computer-roundup?page=1#entry-4603092
@thecreativeone91 said:
@scottalanmiller said:
@thecreativeone91 said:
It's funny, years ago it was the race to the top.. get the highest clock speeds, best performance cpus. Now, a lot of ultrabooks, macbooks etc are using Intel Core M low power cpu's with clocks of as low as 800mhz.
They realized that speed pretty much meant nothing.
Yeah. I though AMD pretty much proved that years ago when they made the better preforming and cheaper Athlons with slower clock speed than the Intel Pentium 4's which ran way too hot, used a lot of power, had a high clock speed and bad performance.
Intel proved the clock cycle problem when they made then Pentium 4 and it was slower than the Pentium III
AMD proved that they could make better stuff than Intel (for a while, at least.)
But even after we saw that clock cycles did not equal performance (the RISC world showed that for years) we discovered that we had CPUs so fast that CPU performance didn't matter anymore as long as we did not keep bloating the software. Now we can run a modern OS on a Pentium III and it is still functional!
Good size grasshopper just jumped into the kitchen and is sitting on the mantle over the stove. The kids have left screaming.
Having some tea and sitting in the kitchen. Pretty bright outside.
coffee, yogurt, granola, sleeping baby and wife, and daredevil. happy mothers day
Rebuilding the lab servers that we lost to CloudatCost. Putting most of them on XenServer now.
I love random questions that are like "I did this thing and it did exactly what it is supposed to do, what is wrong?"
Um.... huh
@scottalanmiller said:
I love random questions that are like "I did this thing and it did exactly what it is supposed to do, what is wrong?"
Um.... huh
Those threads.. and the you should which every pc in your company to linux threads make me laugh.
And now a thread with a serious tin foil hat guy. Someone just posted that any business person with a brain knows that having services on the Internet is foolish. Um, yeah. And he's talking about how his "customers" are all leaving "the cloud." I guarantee this is some idiot who didn't research vendors or products, screwed up for his customers and blamed vendors instead of owning up to having failed.
This is why businesses don't trust their internal IT staff - if going hosted has failed, chances are it was your internal IT that failed either in selecting the right products, managing them, or just doing the IT necessarily to support them. And likely they will claim that nothing was their fault.
The more your IT department does this, the more you should be going hosted and avoiding the IT department that isn't taking care of you.
@scottalanmiller where is that?
I've lost it now. It's the last place that I posted, I think. Finding things over there is pretty hard. Once you've posted, unless someone responds, it's kind of just gone.
It was a thread with someone asking about a customer who wants to go "all cloud." Then there was some advice. Then some tin foil hat "only idiots use anything other than the one thing that I know how to do" IT consultant.
@scottalanmiller @thecreativeone91
One Tin-foil hat consultant.