Rolling back to this. The web page is being displayed now, after following these instructions.
Now it's not displaying any statistics. I saw that the log files were in /var/log instead of /var/log/pihole (which was empty.) I wonder if something has been messed up in the install script at this point.
What OS are you using for Pi-Hole? I'm using Debian. If you are using Fedora and have SELinux set to enforcing then that can be causing the problem. See what happens when setting it to permissive.
It is Fedora 28, but I purposely disabled selinux on it for now when I started having these issues. Good guess tho.
You can try repairing Pi-Hole by using this command: pihole -r
Ran it, but it didn't make any difference. I really thing there is an issue with the log file locations, in that the web interface is probably looking in /var/log/pihole for the log files, but everything else is pointing to /var/log.