What Are You Doing Right Now
Installing Windows 10 tech preview in a new Parallels VM.
Need a windows interface on my laptop not dependent on the internet (i.e. I usually just use gotomypc to hit my desktop) for my upcoming trip to Japan.
While I will have great internet access at my in-laws and a wifi hotspot with me at other times, the lag to the US can be highly annoying at times.
Starbucks in Schaumburg has good wifi..
This post is deleted! -
@thecreativeone91 said:
Somebody has fun moderating over there.. Got a lot of my posts deleted because I am not a member of the partner program and they are consider promotional posts? Um, I do not work at a single one of those companies.
Were you promoting specific companies?
This post is deleted! -
Make sure you contact Sean. Add Jay if need be.
Good morning to all!
Good morning Joy!
Good morning to Joy. Goodnight to me finishing up at our gig and going home!!
The last of the kids just went to bed. No idea where @dominica is. Can't decide how much longer I will be up. Trying to get at least a little headway on a Tropico 4 campaign.
Good morning to all
Tea is steeping.
Banana is a good Yellow.
SpiceRex is still Orange. -
Speaking of bananas and yellow.
Mrs nadnerB and I took Mini-nadnerB to see the Minion movie on the weekend.
We promised him two years ago that we would take him to see it
It was his first time to the cinema. He really loved the movie and had a good experience. -
@nadnerB said:
Tea is steeping.
Banana is a good Yellow.
SpiceRex is still Orange.Shhh they are sleeping.
lol -
Still bored stiff. This no internet thing is damn killer.
6 days into my cell phone plan and I have used 4 gb of 10 gb
@JaredBusch said:
Still bored stiff. This no internet thing is damn killer.
6 days into my cell phone plan and I have used 4 gb of 10 gb
How much Internetz does Ingress use?
The caffiene must flow!