Do you find a tablet useful for work?
@Katie Wait, you have an Android phone?
So you're a Mac lady with an Android and @scottalanmiller is a Linux guy with an iPhone. There is something not right here... -
I have an iPad mini, but mostly just use it at home. I find my phone gives me most all I need while on the go for work.
@ajstringham Yes, I got the android unit to force myself to master the platform.
@Katie Not exactly difficult. LOL
Now iPhones...yea, not going there... -
@ajstringham Well, having said that - I miss my iPhone. The note 3 has a beautiful display, but it's too big for my small hands.
@katie The ipad mini is nicer for traveling (fits in my purse easily) but for seeing and doing work the regular iPad was easier to use. Again remember @ajstringham I use this in a business management capacity (emails, documents etc). So for me it is perfect for travel and allows me to not be tied to my desk. I know that there are Techs that use them but wonder about you guys.
@Minion-Queen 2 gigs ago, I had my iPad rigged to be able to access my windows VM on my desk at work so that I could perform admin functions remotely without use of VPN. It was SUPER handy and meant I could change passwords in AD or restore files whilst riding the train on my commute to/from the office.
I use two iPads and a Kindle Paperwhite for reading. I find the iPads to be great for work and really love the backlit ready on the non-fire Kindle. I use an iPad all day every day.
I haven't tried a 8.1 tablet yet but for very very basic stuff I can get by with my Nexus 7 (2013). I find a tablet only useful if you are constantly moving around, not if you are desk bound most of the time. I'm primarily using my Nexus for 3 things, my Gmail account, basic web browsing and reading (kindle app).
I especially like having an iPad once custom apps are being made for it. Really enhances the functionality.
I play on tablets. I'm more of a laptop kind of guy for work. I carry my satchel with laptop, console cable, etc pretty much everywhere.
@Hubtech Yup. I hate having too many devices. Phone and laptop. THAT'S IT! People ask why I didn't get a desktop. Simple answer? I HATE having two computers for the same thing. One at a client's and one at home is fine because it's segregated machines for segregated tasks/situations. One phone for everything. But having a laptop and desktop and trying to remember what files are on which machine, etc would drive me BATTY!!!
This biggest issue I have when traveling is I love to have all my gadgets. I now carry my MacBook Pro (not the new lighter easy to carry one either) the Ipad Mini and the Windows tablet, my IPhone and all cables etc. When it is just a quick trip the tablets are fine but... now I end up carrying more than I need.
@Minion-Queen YOU?! No!! Can it be?!
NO, I can't use a tablet for work. I suppose if I'm walking around all day (but I'm not) it might be more helpful. yeah I could RDC into my servers if needed, but I just don't need to that often.
mobile email is definitely nice, and I use my phone (Galaxy S4) for that. I don't like to type much on it, I use the voice to text when possible, otherwise I wait until I'm back at my desk, or grab a workstation around the office and log into webmail.
Those that are using their tablets all day - other than email, what are you doing on them? are you really creating documents from an iPad on a regular basis - I mean like Word and Excel type docs? Create quotes, etc? Perhaps you are because you have a great app that performs that function well on that device.
But for me, the tablet is only used as an ereader, and it does a fantastic job of that.
@Dashrender Have an S4 as well. Do you use Swype? If not, use it. I can't do without it. I was on a Windows 8 phone (@minion-queen) for a while and the worst part was no Swype or similar feature. Drove me absolutely batty!
I am using them both for CRM, Lync, Yammer, WAVE Accounting, SharePoint, OneNote and Word documents, I have to say excel is a bit of a pain though. Oh yeah and now MangoLassi as well. Everything works really well on it. For when I travel I also have a softphone connected on my iPad and do conference calls etc. if I am connect to wifi as VoIP on 4g is sketchy at best.
I have to admit that I may go back to a full IPad at some point if the windows tablet works out wise due to the size I really do not need to have two 7" tablets but I do think a 7" a 10" and a laptop might give me everything I need for travel. Though all I might need a better Bluetooth keyboard and that might solve the gap I have.
@ajstringham I definitely used swipe before my current keyboard Minuum. Check it out (though I don't think they have a free trial
I'm still getting used to it, the spell check or maybe better said predictive nature of Minuum is much better than Swype, and it learns your typing pattern to offer the words your more likely to use.
My wife's got a...uh...nook. I'm not the biggest fan, but it was a gift from her mother. That being said, I can use PowerShell Web Access on it, which is sometimes all I need.
@Semicolon Wait, say what?! o.0