Project: Moving main laptop to Korora 25 Desktop
@scottalanmiller said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
Suddenly half the community is running Korora
Was going to start a new thread regarding this same "revelation"!
@FATeknollogee said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
@scottalanmiller said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
Suddenly half the community is running Korora
Was going to start a new thread regarding this same "revelation"!
Go for it
I've tried a lot of desktops and it just speaks to me the most. I'm on it right now.
@FATeknollogee said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
@scottalanmiller said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
Suddenly half the community is running Korora
Was going to start a new thread regarding this same "revelation"!
We need a roll call
But there are at least five of us suddenly.
I've just gotten Ubuntu 16.04.2 installed (dual boot). In Windows 10, I shrunk my C volume to give me about 55 GB of unpartitioned space, then rebooted to run the live USB of Ubuntu.
The automatic partitioning is kinda bad, so I will need to fix it to my liking. But that's fine.
It was as easy as selecting a box that pretty much said "Run Ubuntu along side of Windows", and well, here I am. It automatically installed in the unpartitioned space I made before hand.
So far it's working great, though I haven't yet tested everything I want to use. But... I can actually gracefully reboot and shut down my computer now.
I'll give it a day or so and I'll start updating my OP and the reserved areas as I originally had hoped.
@Tim_G said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
I've just gotten Ubuntu 16.04.2 ...
I've got 17.04 running on my laptop.
@scottalanmiller said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
@Tim_G said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
I've just gotten Ubuntu 16.04.2 ...
I've got 17.04 running on my laptop.
Any significant reasons or features to go to 17 over the LTS?
@Tim_G said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
@scottalanmiller said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
@Tim_G said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
I've just gotten Ubuntu 16.04.2 ...
I've got 17.04 running on my laptop.
Any significant reasons or features to go to 17 over the LTS?
More up to date, more fixes. The bigger question is, any benefit to the LTS over the current? Why hold back when they give even more support to the current than to the LTS? The LTS is fine and if your goal is to avoid updating every six months, it mostly makes sense. But it is a desktop and updating is trivial. Why not get the latest and greatest applications and features?
Similar logic to why we use Fedora over CentOS. More up to date, smaller more incremental updates for a smoother long term transition. But unlike Fedora and CentOS where only CentOS gets full support, LTS gets less support than current Ubuntu rather than more. So the weighting is more strongly to current in the Ubuntu world than it is in the Fedora/RH world and we still opt for Fedora there.
@Tim_G said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
The automatic partitioning is kinda bad, so I will need to fix it to my liking. But that's fine.
How do you layout your manual partitions?
@scottalanmiller said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
@Tim_G said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
@scottalanmiller said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
@Tim_G said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
I've just gotten Ubuntu 16.04.2 ...
I've got 17.04 running on my laptop.
Any significant reasons or features to go to 17 over the LTS?
More up to date, more fixes. The bigger question is, any benefit to the LTS over the current? Why hold back when they give even more support to the current than to the LTS? The LTS is fine and if your goal is to avoid updating every six months, it mostly makes sense. But it is a desktop and updating is trivial. Why not get the latest and greatest applications and features?
Yeah all great points. I remember you going into detail about that further back. I guess I chose the LTS version because I was thinking more along the lines how Fedora has v26 in alpha... and I suppose I was thinking Ubuntu 17 was alpha or something, I don't know. I haven't been following Ubuntu versions lately so I gave it literally zero thought when hitting the download button.
@JaredBusch To get wifi working on your MBP, did you use this guide or another one?
I used this & it worked, I was just curious. -
I will reload to 17.
@Tim_G said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
@scottalanmiller said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
@Tim_G said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
@scottalanmiller said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
@Tim_G said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
I've just gotten Ubuntu 16.04.2 ...
I've got 17.04 running on my laptop.
Any significant reasons or features to go to 17 over the LTS?
More up to date, more fixes. The bigger question is, any benefit to the LTS over the current? Why hold back when they give even more support to the current than to the LTS? The LTS is fine and if your goal is to avoid updating every six months, it mostly makes sense. But it is a desktop and updating is trivial. Why not get the latest and greatest applications and features?
Yeah all great points. I remember you going into detail about that further back. I guess I chose the LTS version because I was thinking more along the lines how Fedora has v26 in alpha... and I suppose I was thinking Ubuntu 17 was alpha or something, I don't know. I haven't been following Ubuntu versions lately so I gave it literally zero thought when hitting the download button.
That's become a problem with the Ubuntu world. Everyone has started using LTS but no one is sure why
Can't do 17.04. I never make it to a desktop after logging in. It just sits there with the Ubuntu background, desktop never loads (icons & task bar).
So I'll run 16.04.2 instead and just not upgrade. LTS it is until I can run Korora.
@Tim_G said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
Can't do 17.04. I never make it to a desktop after logging in. It just sits there with the Ubuntu background, desktop never loads (icons & task bar).
So I'll run 16.04.2 instead and just not upgrade. LTS it is until I can run Korora.
That's weird, I wonder what they did that broke it.
@FATeknollogee said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
@JaredBusch To get wifi working on your MBP, did you use this guide or another one?
I used this & it worked, I was just curious.I did not need to do anything. But my MBP is a late 2011 model. Not anything close to current.
@scottalanmiller said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
@Tim_G said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
Can't do 17.04. I never make it to a desktop after logging in. It just sits there with the Ubuntu background, desktop never loads (icons & task bar).
So I'll run 16.04.2 instead and just not upgrade. LTS it is until I can run Korora.
That's weird, I wonder what they did that broke it.
Actually I think it had an issue with my external monitor being plugged in during login. I will try some more things tomorrow.
Somehow, Korora 25 Gnome installed just fine and is kinda mostly working...
More on this later.
@Tim_G said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
Somehow, Korora 25 Gnome installed just fine and is kinda mostly working...
More on this later.
Odd. But it didn't work before?
@scottalanmiller said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
@Tim_G said in Project: Moving main laptop to Fedora 25 Cinnamon Desktop:
Somehow, Korora 25 Gnome installed just fine and is kinda mostly working...
More on this later.
Odd. But it didn't work before?
I honestly don't remember everything I've tried. It's well over 10 different distros. I even tried Gentoo, which was freaking awesome, except my fans were running at 100%... so I didn't put much time into that one, though I'm sure it was an easy fix.
I know I've tried a few different distros that use Gnome, I'm thinking Korora was one of them but I'm not sure anymore. If it didn't work before, and it does now, I've done nothing differently except now I'm dual booting with Win10 since the last try, which shouldn't make any different.
I'm typing this on Korora 25 Gnome now. I can even shutdown properly if I hit ctrl+alt+F1 when it gets stuck.