Weekend Plans
My older girl would love that.
@JaredBusch that is so cool!
Heading to a beer tasting where I get to sample over 60 craft and import beers! Music by a local cover band the Cherry Bombs.
We have a playground in our development. Taking our girls up there to check it out. We've actually never used it before.
We have a pool too that I've never gone up to see before too. Lol. Yes we've owned this house for six years.
@JaredBusch that cooking class looks awesome. I bet that they are having a great time.
Early access for WildStar starts at midnight Pacific. I plan on being up at 3:00 Eastern to start playing. My guild has a launch party planned. The devs will be streaming live throughout the weekend. It'll be a hoot!
Time with the kids this weekend. They are leaving me for vacation next weekend so I will be missing them for a week and a half. So this weekend is all kid time for me.
This weekend is help the PBX team on a deployment and nothing else! No having to be a sound guy or anything!
@Minion-Queen said:
This weekend is help the PBX team on a deployment and nothing else! No having to be a sound guy or anything!
You are doing PBX work this weekend?
Wedding. and maybe boat if the weather will chilax
I am helping do PBX work this weekend
I have to be willing to help out here and there (even though I hate it).
@Minion-Queen have fun.
Good morning everyone.. Happy Weekend..
@Joyfano said:
Good morning everyone.. Happy Weekend..
Good morning. Weekend has finally started here.
I have the worst weekend in my entire life
@pol.darreljade said:
I have the worst weekend in my entire life
Oh no! What happened?
@scottalanmiller @Joyfano Knows haha. I can't decide if I'll stay in my current company or leave to explore more. I can't decide because they are offering me something that " MIGHT " change my career (there is no assurance). I'm thinking " What if " this is the real deal. But "What if " not? It's a matter of career change decision I have until Next Day! XD.
@pol.darreljade said:
@scottalanmiller @Joyfano Knows haha. I can't decide if I'll stay in my current company or leave to explore more. I can't decide because they are offering me something that " MIGHT " change my career (there is no assurance). I'm thinking " What if " this is the real deal. But "What if " not? It's a matter of career change decision I have until Next Day! XD.
Decide now and regret later. JOKE.
You know what to do..NO one can decide for you...Get some Beer( Clear your mind) and go to sleep early..
@Joyfano hahaha! I'll think about it haha.