Intel I350 base-T BONDED PAIR throughput SUCKS!
I've gotten to where I disabled VMQ and *Offload on any network card that is in my system these days... Especially if I am going to use Hyper-V... 99% of the times I've seen either (or both) used, it has caused some really awful performance!
anybody know what sort of blip i'll see if i disable vmq in a live environment? a second or two? would end users notice?
I doubt that they would notice, but it's possible.
lol yeah, that's the consensus. meh, we dont know haha
Not sure I've ever heard of someone trying it. Maybe just do it during lunch? What kind of workload(s) is it?
sql tier to EMR and a dc
Anything external talking to SQL Server?
DC will definitely be fine.
all of the workstations that access EMR (60 or so) query sql
It has been over a year since I did this on a running system. I do not recall any big issue.
Performance was so crappy though that even a quick blip would have just be ignored.
I like Scott's idea, warn the management at least that you are doing it, and do it over lunch if they approve, otherwise schedule for tonight.
they havent been whining about performance today so i'm just gonna wait til tonight