@travisdh1 If you would like I can help you get yours up and running.
As far as getting LDAP to work, I did the following:
Modify /etc/tomcat/tomcat.conf add the following at the end: GUACAMOLE_HOME=/etc/guacamole
If that directory doesn't exist, create it.
Make a file called guacamole.properties. It should contain the following
#Hostname and port of guacamole proxy
guacd-hostname: localhost
guacd-port: 4822
#Location to read extra .jar's from
lib-directory: /etc/guacamole/extension
#Authentication provider class
#auth-provider: net.sourceforge.guacamole.net.basic.BasicFileAuthenticationProvider
#Properties used by BasicFileAuthenticationProvider
#basic-user-mapping: /etc/guacamole/user-mapping.xml
#LDAP Properties
ldap-hostname: ldapserver.name
ldap-port: ldap-port
ldap-encryption-method: ssl (you can delete this line if you are not doing ssl)
ldap-search-bind-dn: self-explanatory
ldap-search-bind-password: self-explanatory
ldap-config-base-dn: self-explanatory
ldap-user-base-dn: self-explanatory
Save the file.
Make a directory called extensions
toss the guacamole-auth-ldap-0.9.14.jar file from the guacamole website there (you can find it here: http://guacamole.apache.org/releases/0.9.14/)
Restart httpd, tomcat, guacd in that order.
as long as your settings were correct this should enable ldap to work without a problem (it did for me).
If you do opt for SSL to be enabled, make sure you have enabled the ssl mod for apache, otherwise it will not work