@rojoloco said in RojoLoco needs your Linux brains!!!:
No, we're not switching everything over from Windows... we only need a single VM... to run a single Cyber Recovery application from Dell to manage our fancy new systems. I know, I don't want to hear it, all those decisions were made while I was either still in the hospital, or during the 8 following months when I wanted to die because I couldn't walk. Definitely not looking for a critique of the design or components.
That being said, here are the requirements Dell sent over:
The management host is a physical or VM host. existing hyper-v host
The management host requires the following:
● One of the following operating systems with the latest updates, patches, and security patches:
○ CentOS Linux 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, and Stream 8
○ Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, and 8.x
○ SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Version 12 SP5● 4 GB RAM
● 200 GB disk space:
○ 1.5 GB free space to extract the Cyber Recovery software
○ 10 GB or more free space for installation of the Cyber Recovery software no problemThe following Docker components are required to install Cyber Recovery software:
● Docker Version 17.06.0, 18.09.7, 19.03.5, 19.03.8, 19.03.12, 19.03.13, 20.10.2, and 20.10.6
NOTE: Red Hat Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server only support Docker Enterprise Edition (EE). CentOS Linux also
supports Docker Community Edition (CE).● Docker Compose Version 1.21, 1.24, 1.25.3,1.25.4, 1.26.2, 1.27.4, and 1.29.1
So my main questions are:
Which OS should I choose?
With those options and limitations, I'd use CentOS Stream 8.
Where does Docker go in all this? Pre OS? Post OS?
It's an application you install, so post OS.
Same question for Docker Compose?
Docker Compose gets installed after Docker. Whichever OS you choose, you should be able to use the Docker and Docker Compose included in the standard repository, but double check the version for yourself.