Ooh ok gotcha,
I assumed I mounted and then simply went from mnt/server to local kinda thing.
Looking into NFS right now as well.
Ooh ok gotcha,
I assumed I mounted and then simply went from mnt/server to local kinda thing.
Looking into NFS right now as well.
Because thats what was suggested below, thats about it.
And what should I use to mount between linux machines?
Trying to mount using /etc/fstab
So I'm doing...
//XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/var/www/completed /mnt/ftp cifs username=root,password=PASSWORD,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 0 0
but I'm getting error code 115
So I'm wondering if there's a certain port that needs to be opened up, or a typical thing that has to be done when connecting to remote computers (both ubuntu 14.04)
I'm trying to mount the drive under /etc/fstab but I cant seem to get it to work.
I have my local windows drive mounted, just cant get the remote Ubuntu drive mounted.
I'm assuming my problem child will either be firewall or port, does anyone know what port mounting the drive takes on Ubuntu?
Alright think I've got it
So mount my drives with fstab and then just a simple
rsync --remove-source-files -options /path/to/src/ /path/to/dest
No problem using rsync with a ftp I assume?
Would there be a way to script it in that it checks, if it sees the file the same (source vs remote) that it deleted?
Just trying to think of the best way to do it so it doesnt just delete the whole folder without getting them all)
Its just moving files from location 1 to location 2
So essentially whenever a file appears (my random number was 5 minutes) to download the file from source and delete it.
Remote source moves file into location
Ubuntu server see's a new file
Downloads File
But as its downloading the files, new ones could appear so it couldnt just do a blanket delete, would have to be specific
Hey all.
As some of you may have noticed I've been asking a bunch of linux questions, trying to move jobs from windows and simply learn....so here's my next one.
I currently have this software I use on windows that will download files from a server, then delete the source, every 5 minutes (however it could take hours to finish)
Now from quickly googling I believe I would be doing a Cron job to...rsync?
Is that my best option?
How would you Ubuntu experts handle this.
We use these at work, we use the commercial one not the home one.
I forget exactly why, but there was a feature is commercial that set it apart from home (atleast about 18 months ago) outside temp or something?
Initial programming was sure annoying, took us prob atleast 2 months to get it perfect, and we go in once to essentially change it from summer mode to winter mode.
So to make it black and white, in a 2 floor business office we look at our thermostat at most twice a year.
I'm getting closer!
So the only thing I did from what you wrote was
Hostname= FQDN of windows host
But after that I have a red Z!
Currently getting
Get value from agent failed: ZBX_TCP_READ() failed: [104] Connection reset by peer
I'll try to google my way through that now!
So just doing some quick google searching the Owncloud founder broke off and did Nextcloud?
Is that correct?
Is so this is awesome because I was just about to install Owncloud, newer is always better!
Anyone have anymore ideas on what I should try to get the windows agent to communicate with my server?
Want any config files?
sparkum@Zabbix:~$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --list-all
public (default)
services: dhcpv6-client ssh
ports: 10050/tcp http/tcp 10051/tcp
masquerade: no
rich rules:
Well I did this
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=10051/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=10050/tcp
So I assume yes?
How exactly would I check, sorry
Both are set to (which is internal IP of zabbix server)
And I created inbound and outbound rules for 10050 and 10051
Zabbix is working, zabbix agent on the server is working, just cant get any communication from windows agent, so not sure if you have any experience with the windows agent or not.
Sorry just a screenshot of my dashboard?
Yep, host is enabled.
I'm getting stats from the Zabbix agent, just now windows agent.