I am currently a C# developer and systems integrator in the manufacturing world. I am seeing more of a push for data analytics and basic AI, but I don't know where to start. I know the R language is probably the direction we will be going in, and I have tried to look at it, but I don't think I have enough fundamentals to get started. I prefer learning though doing or Online learn as you go projects. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to get started down this road?

Best posts made by s.hackleman
Learning Data Analytics
RE: Career Assessment: When to Hold, When to Fold
I didn't get to watch it either, however I just made this jump. I left my job of 8 years with a little pep talk from SAM. I have never been happier, and a complete reboot and turning my world upside down has been awesome so far. Thanks again Scott.
RE: Weight Loss Surgery?
I will add on to change of lifestyle. You can't keep living the life that made you unhealthy, but just change 1-2 things for a year or so, and expect a change no matter what surgery or diet you do. I went to the extreme, then landed somewhere in the middle. I did fat free, whole food, vegan for a year. At the same time I was going to the gym 5 days a week, stoped driving in exchange for my bicycle 60%+ of the time. Doing so I lost over 80lbs in a year and felt amazing. Now I have landed somewhere in the middle, brought some meat and dairy back in to my diet and with a newborn, biking everywhere isn't as easy of an option. I have put 10-15 lbs back on, but I still feel great and held that for 3 years.
That all being said, it is about how you live. There isn't a surgery to change that. If you have the will power, cut back to 1,500 calories a day, drop soda and alcohol, get active and start choosing a bicycle or feet over a car when possible and hit the gym 4-5 days a week, unless you have a serious medical condition you will loose weight and feel a thousand times better. It isn't easy or fun (at first), but nothing great in life is easy. Good luck with what ever you decide on!
RE: Where is AJ?
@thanksajdotcom said:
I was going to respond yesterday but I forgot...getting my first tattoo in less than two hours!
Pics or didn't happen.
RE: Hard Reset iPhone 5c without iCloud password
@thanksajdotcom said in Hard Reset iPhone 5c without iCloud password:
@s.hackleman said in Hard Reset iPhone 5c without iCloud password:
Worth a shot Link
There are always ways around this. I used to work for a company that bought old iPhones to resell them. It is just about finding the right work arounds for the given OS.
One of the links above was the same as that article. They said it didn't help. I should add I'm not the one following these tutorials. The people doing the work are not technical...
I figured I was close to the same, I just noticed that the article I posted specifically mentioned your iOS version. I will guess the "In this method, you have to toggle the “Find My iPhone” off and tap on “Delete iCloud Account” at the same time." part is what is getting them. At this point they can spend an evening hacking away trying to get this to work, or just go get a new phone. If it is a iPhone 5c, it had a pretty good run, time to upgrade.
RE: Is Best Buy the single worst-run company in the history of the world?
@scottalanmiller One day I will win a debate with you, but today is not that day. I can't argue that that is not worse.
RE: Need a Good Bottle of Scotch
Myself it is either Macallen or Laphroaig, but see if this helps.
RE: Blockchain - Hot or Not?
I put a little money in bitcoin every week. I have a friend who went full in retirement and all, and preaches the gospel all the time. I'm not that crazy, but I first bought in at $268 a BTC, and as of right now we are at.... $1,178 and down almost $100 from last week, so I'm having fun. It is a way for me to play with some spending money on the side and learn and try the technology behind it.
RE: Spice scale on Point hahah
@Joy you can infuse any vodka with about anything you want too. Just put your vegetables into the bottle or another container and let it sit at least 2 weeks. Last year I took onions, tomato, and hot peppers and made a bloody marry vodka that was awesome. I just used the cheap off brand to start with.
RE: NTG Lab is moving!
I'm not sure how "epic road trip from Salisbury, NC to Western NY." is on Route 66, but if you are road tripping to LA, I live on Route 66. This post is redeemable for 1 free Beer for each of you at Instant Karma if you stop in Joplin, Mo.
Automatic User Lock on Windows 2012 R2 with Thinmanager
I am just curious if anyone else has ever seen this one. We have Windows Server 2012 using Thinmanager to run user applications. The thin clients auto log into an account based on computer name, and start up their respective software waiting for human interaction. We are seeing after a little over 49 days. (49.7 seems to be the magic number from Windows 98 days) the user accounts lock out until the Server is rebooted. We are on active directory, 2008 I believe. This isn't my department, so it may be difficult to get a ton of good information, but the users in charge haven't found anything, so I am reaching out here.
RE: Warhammer 40k
@Mr.-Cthulhu said in Warhammer 40k:
@s.hackleman said in Warhammer 40k:
@coliver said in Warhammer 40k:
@s.hackleman said in Warhammer 40k:
Why is everyone making a big deal about cost. $300-500 startup with $50-80 on going for a hobby isn't bad at all. That is almost exactly the same as a PS4, and way cheeper than PC gaming.
If you don't need to buy every new game immediately PC gaming is far, far cheaper.
It isn't $300-500 to start with $50-80 ongoing. It is $300-500 to start with $100-150 every time you want to add a unit to your army. You need a specific sized army to be competitive. The costs of the books and the new releases adds up too.
Ahh, competitive, that is the difference. I thought we were talking about building a small army and playing some small games at the hobby shop. I used to play MTG with a group of friends all though high school, but it slowly ended up being a battle of the pocket book, and less about casual gaming so I eventually just quit.
Battle of the pocket book, one of the biggest reasons I stopped playing Magic. Back in my day, without that darn interwebs telling us the price of them cardboard cards, we used to just hand cards we weren't using to friends. Now these darn kids crack out TI-83s to make sure their trades aren't losing them cash.
The initial startup is about the same as a console startup, you're right. But the thing that draws most people away from wargaming is the added time cost. When you buy a console, you plug it in and start playing. Instant gratification (hello Magic players!). When you buy wargames, you spend hours building and painting. That's some people's thing (I love building, could do without painting), but not everyone's.
Also, a friend of mine has about 3-4 fully painted armies, and is starting a new one this year. I have about half of the force I'd like to have in one army in order to play him on a point level that we'd both be happy with, so I feel pressured to buy buy buy. If you and your mates are all starting small together, this isn't as big an issue however.
There are other wargames out there that cost far less money and time (looking at you X-Wing and Warmachine/Hordes). Again, whatever your preference is, play that.
This is why I have moved to contained board games. 1 time Cost, no barrier to get friends to join in and play, and no on going cost other than expansions.
Replacing Evernote?
I have been using Evernote free for a few years now. I keep General notes, IT notes and how too's, recipes, etc on it. For the most part it is all text. Over the last couple years they have been getting more and more pushy about me switching to their paid version. I am fine living with the free version, then a month ago they cut me down to 2 devices. This kinda sucks, but I just cut down to my work laptop, and my phone. Last night, I logged in on my Chromebook, forgetting that I removed it. Evernote just converted my account to the most expensive plan, and offered the first month free. It is getting a little too pushy for my liking. So I am thinking about replacing it, but what is out there what do you guys use?
Here are my requirements:
- Preferably free
- Multi-Platform (Mac, iPhone, Web, Chromebook, Pebble would be nice)
- Secure and Trustworthy
- Can save mainly text notes and cross notebook search
- ability to share would be nice as well
NTG I need an explanation for this....
It is close enough to your headquarters so please explain who thought this was a good idea and not just nightmare fuel for kids.
RE: Fire fighting to project balance
@wirestyle22 Our stuff is more setup and config. For example, we want to manufacture a new widget. So many things have to be setup and configured before that process can start. We get contacted at the last second. Then we end up troubleshooting an emergency issue that could have been scheduled. I think SLA's may be the way to go, even if it is just 4 hours, it may prevent task switching as being moved off project work 3-5 times a day is pretty common.
RE: Mocking the Apple live event
Maybe I'm OCD, but I don't want anyones nasty fingers on my monitor.. especially my own.
RE: macOS High Sierra login flaw - root
@rojoloco said in macOS High Sierra login flaw - root:
@wls-itguy said in macOS High Sierra login flaw - root:
@rojoloco said in macOS High Sierra login flaw - root:
@wls-itguy said in macOS High Sierra login flaw - root:
Why is root enabled by default?
Because apple sucks ass?
OK. Because that was the answer I was looking for :SMH
For as logical and well mannered as people here are, it is frustrating to even visit Mango and try to have a conversation as an Apple user.
RE: What did you have for lunch or dinner today?
Tamale spread from a Joplin classic, Fred & Red's. It is my first time back since the re-opening. It is a greasy spoon diner that has been around close to 100 years. Serving spaghetti red, burgers and tamales.
RE: Statistical Process Control
@scottalanmiller said in Statistical Process Control:
In an example scenario....
a factor will do simple design up front and make repeatable parts for months or years. The parts don't change. You have processes to tune and improve to make maybe the parts easier and easier or cheaper over time.
IT is not like that. But how and why?
IT designs new things all the time, and if building something normally does it once. If something can be repeated, it should leave IT and be handed to bench or some other department. Or automated. IT really doesn't do repeatable processes. Each IT task is unique, being done for the first time. New decisions, new fixes, new designs. No repetition.
Thanks SAM you have given our department conversation material for the beers.