Not sure if this is at all related but we had a similar issue while using Braodvox for SIP trunks. I was unable to ever pin point the cause of the issue because it was always a conversation with 1 person who said it happened 1 time 3 weeks ago, but they were just telling me now, situation.

Best posts made by s.hackleman
RE: Strange DTMF Issue from One Cellular Provider
RE: Grow your Startup with Softengi!
A marketing promo, that tells me I'm so smart, that I don't have time for marketing or promos... Nice.
Help with Active Directory Terminology
I am a little out of the loop with Active Directory terminology. I would like to update an internal application to have it authenticate a user to Active Directory as lightweight as possible. I just need to be able to send a user name and password, and return a true or false if the password is correct. What is type of authentication this called, and does the new Active Directory in Azure support it, or is it to internal Domain Controllers only?
I just setup a wallet and converted a little money to bitcoin just to try it out, and see what all of the fuss is about. Has anyone else tested the waters? What did you think?
Audit User Login on Server 2008.
I have security audtiting turned on in group policy. I would just like an easy way with out signing up with a company to download their software to view historical data of when Domain Users logged on to a desktop on a Server 2008 system. I have a powershell script that works great on Windows 7 boxes that grabs system event 7001 for user logon, but when i run it against a server it comes up empty. Does anyone have any tools for something like this?
RE: Dell System Detect and the Case of the Missing USB Controller
True lesson in this story is do not work on a production system with changes that could take it out of service when time is critical. Better to say, "Next time you have a long meeting at the end of a Friday, let me take a look at your computer."
RE: The Big Evil Question
In my opinion grit and hustle are the keys, not a piece of paper. Someone who is determined to succeeded will do so no matter if they went to college or not. Also, someone who has no drive will not, despite having the best education money can buy. I think this article sums up the pros and cons well. I went to a 4 year school, though a cheap local school. The doors having that piece of paper opened up made it pay for its self quickly. I didn't have the drive at 18 to do it on my own, and paying money made sure I shut up and listened, so it was good for me. However, if someone puts their nose to the books and is good, they will do just fine without a degree.
RE: Is Best Buy the single worst-run company in the history of the world?
@scottalanmiller said:
@s.hackleman said:
Challenge accepted. Nestlè
Why don't you like Nestè? Can't be as bad as Hershey!!
It is a toss up between them marketing formula as better than breast milk in underdeveloped countries, and their buying up of ground water from public municipalities. I would rather put up with a dumb kid in a Blue shirt, than support a them. I would also throw Comcast, Tyson Chicken plants, and AT&T U-Verse in the ocean as well.
Mac Utilities
I am still adjusting to the mac world and have been playing with productivity and utility software and stumbled across one I thought I would share with the rest of the community. It is called Alfred, and in short it is kinda like Spotlight on steroids. It lets you launch apps, search files, search within files, search (via popping a browser) Amazon, Gmail, and other websites. It is triggered by hitting option+spacebar. So far I like it.
Does anyone else have any productivity or utility programs that they can't live without?
RE: Greetings
@scottalanmiller Urban dictionary says > mac: a pimp or playa or mackin on sumone to put your moves on her
damn son ur a mac daddy
whatch me mac on dis gurl.Must be a fly place to work. :-0
mac on Mac with Mac's yo.
RE: New to It looking for help!!
This community has a heavy hardware focus and you will learn a ton just hanging around. I lurk a ton and read every post I can. If someone brings up a technology, I research it, and understand it. You should also balance that with a little software side of the computer coin. Go to and learn the basics of a couple languages. Then setup a little home lab, with a computer, a server (could be as cheap as a raspberry pi), and network them together. Doing all this will give you the ground level for everything that get's thrown under the name IT. You will know pretty quick what you like and what to focus on, or you will end up like me and holding jobs in development, networking, and system admin within the last few years.
Lastly, keep this in mind. While you do all this, pay attention to your mood. You should feel like a kid in a candy store trying to learn this stuff. If you feel like this sucks but it will pay off if you get through the hard part of learning the basics, then reevaluate what you want to do, because it doesn't get much different, the problems just get more complicated. I have seen too many people who wouldn't setup their own home project to learn, or learn a single language on their own go and pay for college in CIS. They were all miserable and non of them finished their degree. So make sure you are ok with life long learning, or you may want to look into an auxiliary IT field, like sales if you are good with talking to people, but not as involved in the technical side.
RE: Syrian American Found Building What Appears to Be Bomb in Garage
Looks like a clock to me...
RE: IT Book Recommendations?
Currently working on Code Complete by Steve McConnell. It is a little dated but great information on the basics of software development that are always relevant. Great read for anyone looking at doing any programing in any language.
RE: Practical RAID Decision Making
I couldn't help but notice RAID 5 was not on the list
Updated my Resume
I haven't redone my resume in the over a decade, so I figured I should probably go ahead redo it. The one I had was the one I had done when I first left college. I tried doing something a little more involved than just a default template. So here a copy of it. If you have time, just read over it and give me any feedback you guys have to offer, and please tear it apart. Some information has been edited to protect the innocent. Thanks in Advance!
RE: Billboard on the interstate
@art_of_shred said:
@Dashrender said:
@art_of_shred said:
@brianlittlejohn said:
@dafyre said:
@brianlittlejohn said:
I am religious, and these bill boards bug the hell out of me. They are threatening and accomplish absolutely no purpose.
I am a Christian. I can definitely imagine they bug folks who are athiests or non-Christians as well. But for me, they are reminders of what my purpose is on this earth.
(Aside from exorcising computers).
That's great it's reminding you of your purpose, but should that be done by threatening (real or perceived) the people you are trying to reach.
If your family was in a burning building, and you were the only one aware of the fire, what methods of warning them would you consider "too extreme"? Whether or not you agree with these people's views, understand the urgency, whether perceived or real.
Who hold on... you're comparing our lives to a burning building? That seems extreme!
Unless you think you're making it out of here alive, this life will consume you and you will die. If you (as the people who are bringing you these "threatening" messages) believe in such things as heaven and hell, well, not going to hell might be like getting saved from a fire.
So, if my family is in a burning building, I should get a billboard on the interstate and tell them about it? These billboards are a waste of time and an eye sore. I can't imagine anyone reading that and changing anything about themselves.
RE: Laptop Reccomendations
Let me get this helmet on, and a fire suit... Ok..
I have been really happy with my Macbook Pro...
Go ahead, let me have it.
RE: Favorite Swag Tshirts
I don't think enough can be said for quality. A cheap shirt with a poorly done logo will get turned into a shirt for yard work thus defeating the point. A quality shirt with a clean sharp logo will get worn in public and make its way into rotation.
RE: Billboard on the interstate
@scottalanmiller said:
dammit, literally choked on coffee while writing that. I kid you not.
If you don't make it can you update this post and let us know who is up there so we can settle this needless debate down here.