Mostly directed at those who frequently work remotely or abroad in a non-office environment (hotel room, apartment kitchen table/living room/balcony).
I'm looking for the most convenient setup, considerations, things to keep in mind, etc... based on your experience. I just want to be prepared.
I mean, I often work from home, but I have my whole setup. I can't take it with me abroad, and I like to pack light. I'm thinking my laptop, work laptop, wireless mouse, and a USB monitor. It's so hard to work off of a single laptop screen.
I've seen some decent AOC and Asus USB 3.0 monitors... any tried and true?
I'm still waiting to see if I need to bring any network equipment, hub or access point, but I'll figure that out on my own. (waiting on photos of the existing setup where I'll be going, so I know what I need)
Any other considerations or anything else I should be thinking of? I'll be accessing all of my work resources via VPN. So laptop + internet are the bare necessities. All else would be for comfort and convenience, which is also important, as I'll be doing this for 3 months.
Edit: I'll also be bringing an IP phone with me so I can still make and take calls as if I'm at work on-prem via my normal extension. This is a simple Ethernet plug-in... so I'm good there.