@NetworkNerd 's sister always makes our daughter's birthday cakes for her because, well, she's talented. This year Kate asked for a Jake and the Neverland Pirates cake...and Karyn delivered as usual! Just thought I'd share. CAKE CAKE 2

Best posts made by NetworkNerdWifey
Birthday Cake
RE: Back to New York
I'm just glad you didn't kill yourself on the long drive from here to NY without stopping to sleep. insert angry momma face here
RE: Random Thread - Anything Goes
@scottalanmiller I just wanna know how you would possibly ever get all that fake cheese mess out of everything/where/whatever. I have a hard enough time getting it out from under my fingernails...but...ok, nevermind.
RE: We Made It To the Comet
Why can't this be what's all over my facebook newsfeed instead of kardashian's bare hiney?
RE: My Plans for 2015
I happen to know a photographer who could handle all of your travel vacation photos, you know, for pretty cheap.
RE: PhotoMath Solves Math Problems via Video
Don't show this to @NetworkNerd . He'll pull out his soapbox.
RE: Repetitive Habits
No, you're not crazy but you definitely should consider a more balanced diet than mac n cheese and popcorn.
RE: Californians Try to Pronounce Upstate NY Towns
Might have been a tad more amusing if they had found some redneck Texans to attempt those...
RE: Trick or Treaters
We had 900 pieces of candy and were left with less than 1 bag. Ran out of the 200 glow bracelets I had purchased in about 2 hours. The Pumpkin People are popular.
RE: Is It Just Me... Oracle Ad
"Digital Disruption"
What's more disruptive than a successful sperm? Clever.
RE: Is It Just Me... Oracle Ad
I can think of lots of swag ideas for this........stress balls.....
Here you go, Star Wars peeps
This quiz scrolled through my FB newsfeed this morning, and after the whole Hoth fiasco (@NetworkNerd was pretty embarrassed when I told him - I feel that this reflects poorly on his nerd teaching but whatever...) So I took the quiz. 6 out of 15. I'll admit that only 1 of those did I actually make an educated selection on my answer - the rest I just guessed. Have fun.
RE: What Do You Get the Minion Queen Who Has Everything for Christmas?
Hey @NetworkNerd .... I could totally rock this for photo editing.
RE: Emoji Please
I wanted to play too...so here's a very useful sweet potato emoji.
RE: Happy Anniversary to Nick and Brandi
@scottalanmiller Mexico: Progreso and Cozumel. 5 day, in April
RE: Getting ready for SpiceWorld
Nooooooo.Sadly, I have to be responsible and stay home with the kiddo, who started kindergarten this year. Didn't want to have to ask the in-laws to get up unnecessarily early to have her at school on time, blah blah blah. I'm bummed...but whatevs.
RE: What are your thoughts about HP Instant Ink?
@thanksaj said:
Then again, most people don't print that size...or have the equipment to print that size...however, ask @NetworkNerdWifey about printing that size...it's addicting..
Well I have yet to print that size at home.....
RE: First MangoLassi Day Follow Up
Where do we stand on creating the "IT WIFEY" group tag?
RE: Beautiful Underwater Mermaid Photography
@NetworkNerd No worries - Scott sent me the link and even invited me to join in the fun.