@Mike-Davis @JaredBusch
What's going on here is that we have several different entities using a single phone system, and they all need their own outbound routes. This is just a temporary situation that should be resolved soon.

Posts made by Mike Ralston
RE: yealink dial plan syntax
RE: VFax on FreePBX?
I'm more looking for opinions on any well-known systems for Virtual Fax on FreePBX. Which ones would you guys pick?
VFax on FreePBX?
So I've worked a good amount with the virtual fax system on the older versions of Elastix, but I was wondering, is there a comparable module for FreePBX? And if so, what are the opinions on it? Looking to make the switch.
RE: Best speakers for School Epson projector
@scottalanmiller You're absolutely correct, but, the problem is with the format and the way it's handled. I believe that some forms of BluRay and Digital Downloads have it hardcoded that the dialogue is supposed to be sent to the center channel, which makes it muddled and kind of sounds like you put a box over the speaker if you remove that center channel, though, there are ways around this.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@scottalanmiller I use my totally custom electrically separated dual monoblocks in my Denon PMA-550 chassis, which has ridiculously good quality switches in it, and dual tube-based phono preamps. I love that amp, I'll never sell it.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@scottalanmiller Those B&W's you left us were pretty great.
I think overall, if I had to prick a brand that I like the most, I'd go with either Magnepan or Acoustic Research. Maybe KEF. I got to play with a few pairs of Q-100's in an array, all bi-amped and set for different frequency ranges, and that was fantastic. But above all, I love it when speakers have a good soundstage, and good instrument placement. I've not ever heard anything that images like a pair of Magnepans. Even their cheapest model, the MMG, images better than any box speaker I've personally heard, and better than most Electrstatics costing upwards of twice the price. My current favorites are the MG III-A's, but only because those are the best ones I can afford, or find the room for, because MAN do Magnepans need space to breathe. -
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@scottalanmiller With the hot glue holding the multitudes of little 3-inch drivers in? Lol
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@wirestyle22 As far as resources, most of the guys (and a few gals as well) I know who do it are either self-taught, or took courses on electrical engineering, and figured it out from there. Good places to talk to people who know what they're doing are www.tapeheads.net, there's a few guys on www.headfi.org who know speakers, mostly as a byproduct of their obsession with headphones, and a decent place to get started is www.diyaudioandvideo.com. I personally learned what I know about electronics from pulling things apart and learning how to restore old tube stereos from some local and online people.
EDIT: One thing to note, speaker design as far as the cabinet goes is extremely understated. You get the wrong volume of air inside, by just a little bit, and it'll sound blown, or if you put speakers designed to be acoustic suspension in a cabinet that's set up for bass reflex.@brianlittlejohn LOL, so I'm not alone in thinking BOSE is awful stuff. I keep seeing old BOSE gear go for sky-high prices worthy of some really special stuff, and they sound awful.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@wirestyle22 Power delivery for Raspberry Pi?
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@Minion-Queen Yeah, you do, you watched me build them, lol
RE: Best speakers for School Epson projector
@FiyaFly Funnily enough, I JUST made a post about my most recent pair in the "What Are You Doing Right Now" thread.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
Messing with the crossovers for the custom speakers I finished not very long ago and goodness do these things sound awesome!! They're a full redesign of the legendary Acoustic Research AR-94SX speakers
RE: Best speakers for School Epson projector
@FiyaFly Yeah, surround sound and audiophiles don't mix well, lol. Too much DSP
@bishnitro What kind of budget were you looking to stay within? Do you want something self-powered, or something that needs an amplifier? How big is the room you're looking to use them in? Are you going to be playing music, movies, or presentations? If you can answer these, we'll have a better idea of how to help you.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
This morning, been trying to get a free car I got a few days ago to actually start, an '04 Dodge Intrepid, and it's got sooooo many problems...
@nadnerB World of Tanks is pretty cool, and if you like it, but want a little more realism, and a lot more detail, if you're into stuff that's big on immersion and historical accuracy, try out War Thunder. It's free to play as well, and there isn't as much of the pay-to-win thing going on, and it's a little easier to get up higher in the game, because believe me, if you start grinding to get the better tanks, you'll dump THOUSANDS of hours before getting to the higher tiers.
RE: Polycom 550 Phones Not Allowing Me To Edit Any Of The Buttons
@fuznutz04 @Reid-Cooper I'm logged in as the admin, never logged in as otherwise on this phone.
RE: Polycom 550 Phones Not Allowing Me To Edit Any Of The Buttons
@scottalanmiller Those options are in the web interface, but not accessible, they're greyed out.
RE: Polycom 550 Phones Not Allowing Me To Edit Any Of The Buttons
@scottalanmiller I can't SSH into them, the connection is refused.
@fuznutz04 No, they were set up individually, manually. Not by me, either, for the record. -
Polycom 550 Phones Not Allowing Me To Edit Any Of The Buttons
So I'm working with an Elastix system for a client, who uses only Polycom phones, and I've run into an issue, where everything works perfectly, except that I cannot edit any of the configurable buttons, or get the phone's built-in VoiceMail button to actually function at all, nor have it integrate with the PBX's VoiceMail system, AKA, The MWI feature isn't working at all. I can't get into these phones from the backend as most of the guides I've found for this process call for, and I can't just edit it's config through SSH or anything similar.
Anyone run into this problem before, or have any advice for me? It's just a blinky light, but the client refuses to acknowledge that they can use the VoiceMail a separate way, and have it work just fine.
RE: Hosted PBX
@Minion-Queen said:
Out of all the IT work we do managing the PBX's are about the easiest...
As long as the system is set up correctly, yes, management of a PBX is very simple, especially using something like Elastix, which gives you detailed information about what every single configuration option does.