We used the exact same type of expense reporting that you are using now before we moved to Concur at least 3 years ago. It's definitely easier to keep up with my expenses when I'm traveling with Concur vs trying to remember to retain every receipt on long trips since I can just upload a photo of each receipt to the app, and create an expense entry on the fly. Our accounting team seems to prefer this method over the old physical paper method as well since it's easier to read and account for specific types of expenses.
Admins can alter the settings so that certain fields are required on specific expense types, like names of attendees at a business lunch, and explanations can be required when an expense type is above the budgeted amount.
I know that you can export a copy of your expense report, and there are ways to export the entire org's data, but you should probably work with Concur to determine what the limitations of this are.