Ok so lets look at this from a balance's (a scale) point of view.
We can even use Ghengis Khan in this example.
A balance has two sides to each, the goal of which is to balance out, correct? Or to find out the tipping point.
GK clearly created laws (do you dispute this?)
He also murdered thousands, and raped just as many (do you also dispute this?)
While creating the laws, he wrote them for his benefit, to tip the scales in his favor. He doesn't need to fully understand the repercussions of the laws he writing besides "these serve me" and "I have people who will enforce what I say".
That is a very basic understanding of balance.
He united modern china by force (murder etc), and creating rules to serve himself and those around him. He used force to ensure people listened to those laws.
He clearly wasn't a lawyer until he began creating laws to serve him self. He eventually went on to create laws of Eye for an Eye (I believe this was him) which made certain things illegal when he was firmly in power.
And people enforced those too.
Eventually he went on to create the modern lawyer in that, he couldn't remember everything, so he said, write this down, and commit it to memory.
Not to argue it, until other people were allowed to learn it, and then arguments came to arise about the law that existed.
But people like GK were clearly the first "lawyers" to create the law to impose on others, because they had the ability to enforce it onto others.
Laws were written by people to rule over others, but people smart enough to literally create laws out of nothing.