I think that using kickstarter is pretty similar to having originally been on PBS. Pledges are pledges. I didn't even realize that there's an app. I'm going to check it out, because Reading Rainbow was one of my favorite shows when I was a kid.

Best posts made by Dominica
RE: Reading Rainbow for the new Generation
RE: Google Maps API
@travisdh1 Okay, cool. Thanks. I'll just go with my muddle through it plan, lol.
RE: MangoLassi Meetup Ideas
Just make sure that there are non-curry Indian options, just in case there are some of those weirdo "I hate curry" people in attendance.
RE: What's the current "standard" for a media server setup these days?
Anyone have Netflix working on Kodi yet?
RE: My new website
Great idea Gabi, and I like the look-n-feel of the site. Scott started posting tech stuff on SGL for similar reasons, and I always find it funny when he's looking something up years later and Google returns him his own blog post, lol.
RE: Korora 25 Freezing on Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro
The test with Gecko Linux is working great. No issues like before, sleep works fine. Fingers crossed, but it looks good.
This time tomorrow...
I'll be at the beach! Okay, so I'm more excited about seeing my family than the beach, but it will still be fun. It's the girl's first real opportunity to swim in the ocean. When we were in Barcelona it was WAY too cold, and that wasn't the Atlantic, it was the Mediterranean, anyway.
RE: openSuse Gecko Linux Rolling Budgie on Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro
Still working well, still none of the issues that were seen before with Korora.
RE: Luciana's Elephant
The intestines and the blood stream! The Magic School Bus is awesome
RE: Luciana's Elephant
I just republished in HD, and added Acts 1 & 2 of Ancient Mesopotamian Puppet Theatre.
RE: For Danielle and Dominica - The Mom Song
LOL, not looking forward to having to say the things in the latter half of that song!
RE: Swag, throwback edition
I like the slogan, but the t-shirt design needs some help, lol. They've come a long way. I love this year's shirt.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
Checking in here to see if Scott posted "Help me. I'm trapped." on Tuesday night. If he had, we'd all know the true level of his dedication to this site.
RE: Weekend Plans
@scottalanmiller said:
Looks like I am working on Saturday in Manhattan and on Sunday taking the wife and kids around Manhattan as a sight seeing day in our home city.
We have a Flat Stanley project to complete for a friend of the L's, so we are going to NYC to give Stanley an interesting adventure.
RE: SAM storage webinar
I somewhat agree with AJ on this. If you wait to make any videos until you have the perfect setup, it will never get done.
RE: Is This About SAM?
@ajstringham said:
It involves a lot of sex on a beach and a parking garage. That's two separate line items though.
snort If only it also involved a stripper and a camel, yours would be an even more awesome description.
RE: Belief in People
And I'm not always nice about it either, right @scottalanmiller?