At what point is it too much? I just had a meeting where we created a document about how to create the document for the project plan of a project so that we can present that document in a different meeting. I will literally spend hours doing meetings and documentation around this project before I ever actually get to start doing any real work. Sometimes I miss my crappy menial labor jobs because there you were just told what to do and you did it however you could. No meetings, no paperwork, no documentation. Request for work was presented, work was done, end of day.

Best posts made by Awkward Gamer
Over documentation
RE: MangoCon Is official!
Woohoo! A convention near me for once! I will be there!
RE: What was your first live concert?
My first one was Van Halen, which is also my all-time favorite band. The whole night was awesome but I kept waiting for Jump and they never played it. They went off stage and I was kinda disappointed but then they came back out (I was young and it was my first show - I knew nothing of an encore) and absolutely killed it with that song.
Best night ever!
I've been to somewhere around 120 concerts at this point and I still remember how awesome that moment was when I thought they were some and then hears that opening keyboard.
RE: MangoCon Is official!
@Minion-Queen Yeah, hectic would be a very under-stated way of describing my life lately. Trying to start a videography business, working on a game review website, managing several youtube channels, I moved a few months back, and I still have my full-time job that I hate... Apparently I decided some time early this year that I was allergic to free time.
RE: Feature Requests
@scottalanmiller said:
@ajstringham said:
@Hubtech Agreed. At the moment, EVERYTHING new shows up. That's going to get annoying QUICK!
That is how I have always used SW. One feed with all updates in it. It's not as bad as it seems.
Yeah, I like the idea of having all your subscribed interests show up as unread. That way, you won't miss things that got buried. Think of how quick WC posts get put up on SW. You are bound to miss some. But if each unread one shows in an alert box, you see everything and can comment on all of them!!!! Mwa ha ha!
RE: Xbox?
I often play with fish, yes.
Dumb jokes aside, no, I am not. Mostly because I am absolute rubbish at all things FPS.
RE: Tired of winter?
When today started out, it was only 4 degrees. Now it's up to almost 15! And with the wind chill it's still above 10. It's almost swimming weather here in NY!
RE: Anyone else laughing about the title of this board?
I won't lie, I laughed when I saw it was called Water Closet because even though it's rarely called that here in the states, I know what the term is usually used for and I still find bathroom humor funny (because apparently I'm six.)
RE: Umm...what did I just read?
Forget emancipation, I would disown that child. Ungrateful little brat.
My web series/web site
So I have my Awkward Gamer videos and I decided to buy myself a domain ( and start up a website for the series. That way I can have blogs and the such to accompany my review videos and when YouTube gets wonky and subscriptions aren't working (which happens often) people can still see my stuff. However, I know nothing about web design or web hosting.
I'm gonna pay for hosting, because it's much cheaper than getting my own server and paying for business-class internet. So, do any of you have any suggestions/recommendations for who is a good web hosting service? I was gonna go with host gator because I heard they were good, but even though they advertise their monthly prices, they charge you in bulk and while I could easily afford $5 or $6 a month, I don't have an extra $180 to pay for the next 3 years up front.
Also, does anyone know of a good web site builder? Preferably something drag and drop with some basic stuff built into it like Blogs or a comments section or shop components?
Oh, and for anyone interested who missed all the spamming of it I did over at SW, here's the Facebook page and YouTube channel for my show. Check it out if you have some free time because I could use the extra views. -
RE: Back in NY
Well good luck with everything! Those sound like less than ideal circumstances and I certainly hope things turn around for you soon.
RE: For the New Yorkers
@g.jacobse said:
LOL - It's suppose to hit -20 here in Kentucky...Been there, done that. I started moving boxes into my new apartment the other night. It was -30. -30! To put that into perspective, that is 62 degrees below freezing. The difference in temperature between a 94 degree day and a freshly made ice cube is the same difference that is between said ice cube and the temperature I just had to carry half my belongings through.
TL;DR: NY sucks in every possible way during the winter.
RE: CEO of Yahoo has the most incredible laugh
Did I just listen to someone have a stroke?
RE: Black Death Tied to Gerbils, Rats Exhonerated
Gerbils? Oh man, someone had better warn Richard Gere.
RE: I did something stupid today
I also did something stupid today. I came to work.