Feature Requests
Product review section too - obviously. Maybe How To as well.
I think a Projects section where folks can post up current projects they're working on etc. kinda like that other place. I dont know how specific you want to get with sub forums ie: networking, voip, windows server, linux, wifi, be your own isp. Actually a "MSP Only" section could be cool, kind of a place for everyone to talk shop?
@Hubtech I like the MSP group idea.
Another thing that drives me nuts at the moment is when I go to unread and select one it takes me to the top of the thread instead of the new post. I have to scroll down each time to find it. I do, however, love the real-time updates and not having to refresh to see new notifications is awesome!
tapatalk compatibility, and maybe not list every new thing that has happened in the updates. maybe just posts you've participated in?
@Hubtech Agreed. At the moment, EVERYTHING new shows up. That's going to get annoying QUICK!
Part of the idea is to keep the Groups small so that people can find things. But that is what tagging will be for. Do not have it yet but will soon right @steve?
@Addie working on a hashtag going option today.
@ajstringham said:
@Hubtech Agreed. At the moment, EVERYTHING new shows up. That's going to get annoying QUICK!
That is how I have always used SW. One feed with all updates in it. It's not as bad as it seems.
@scottalanmiller said:
@ajstringham said:
@Hubtech Agreed. At the moment, EVERYTHING new shows up. That's going to get annoying QUICK!
That is how I have always used SW. One feed with all updates in it. It's not as bad as it seems.
Yeah, I like the idea of having all your subscribed interests show up as unread. That way, you won't miss things that got buried. Think of how quick WC posts get put up on SW. You are bound to miss some. But if each unread one shows in an alert box, you see everything and can comment on all of them!!!! Mwa ha ha!
I would like to see a list feature like the other place has that people can spi... I mean vote up.
I also agree with Scott, again, gee do I ever have my own thoughts?... I like the notices for all new posts - now to setup and maybe use RSS though so I can keep track easier.
Additional features
Tapatalk - already mentioned above
Forum Runner
As @ajstringham said, when you click the link for a new post, it takes you to that post, not the top of the thread.I LOVE the live chat feature!!! Though compatibility with traditional chat clients would be fantastic.
@Dashrender So there is a feature with that. Look at the arrows that are up and down with the number in-between on each post and on the OP.
I believe there is an RSS feed but would have to see where. @steve might have more insight.
Also, agreed. The chat feature is quite nice.
@Dashrender Oh and to solve that use the bell feature on the right side of the header pane. Not as nice to work with as the unread one but it will take you directly to the post.
@ajstringham that only works for things that people tag you in, or at least where you are following the thread.
I really would like a "Projects" section. Example, I'm about to setup a from scratch exchange environment, it could be handy for some folks who haven't done it before to have a nice little step by step guide type post to help them through some drama
@Hubtech Might not be a bad idea. Not like the Spiceworks one but more of a discussion. I think if you created a discussion about your plans for it and allow for discussion about recommendations and then you post updates, etc. I think that could be really beneficial for the community here.
Sure, we can call it whatever you'd like. Even "guides" or How-To's.
@Hubtech Nope. How-tos are not happening AFAIK. Purely interactive content is wanted from my understanding. However, I like the idea. Planned Projects maybe? It has to be a discussion/group thing. Not making the same mistakes as other communities with static content. Send an email to [email protected] and she can help you.
Just so everyone is aware this thread is going to be locked for now. Starting this was a mistake on my part as it is too early in this community's history to start taking feature requests.
If you do have a feature request or something you would like to see added, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject line as "Feature Request".