Follow up on Hyper-V High availability? or only VMware
@scottalanmiller said:
@Dashrender said:
@scottalanmiller said:
@Dashrender said:
Can he stay with one VM on each machine and then transfer the VM at will (less than 90 days) and still be OK?
No, once every 90 days he can "failover the license" to another location. He can run any VM in any location as long as no location has more VMs than for which it is licensed. So either he can have two on two or four on one. But never three on one and one on one.
You've changed the question.. My question revolves around each host only having ONE VM, not two.
I keep getting confused. Then yes, if there are a total of two VMs and the licensing to have two VMs on each physical host he can move things around at will.
@Dashrender said:
@scottalanmiller said:
@Dashrender said:
Can he stay with one VM on each machine and then transfer the VM at will (less than 90 days) and still be OK?
No, once every 90 days he can "failover the license" to another location. He can run any VM in any location as long as no location has more VMs than for which it is licensed. So either he can have two on two or four on one. But never three on one and one on one.
You've changed the question.. My question revolves around each host only having ONE VM, not two.
@scottalanmiller said:
@LAH3385 said:
My thought is to have 1 VM per host and during any DR, migrate the failed VM to the other host. This will end up with 2 VM on 1 host while the other host is being service.
Is that a good approach?That's perfect. You will need two Windows Server Standard licenses and since you have the license capacity to run anything anywhere anyway you can then move them around all that you want.
How will this work with hyper-v clustering? I am still shallow in clustering portion so sorry for any misunderstanding terminology.
1 hyper-v core with 2 vms?
during any DR or maintenance the heartbeat will live migrate the VM over to the other host? or...1 hyper-v core with 1 vm each.
during any DR or maintenance the heartbeat will boot up the failed VM on its host? -
@Dashrender said:
@scottalanmiller said:
@Dashrender said:
If not for those things, I too would say that StarWind would be overkill.
You did not feel that way in the thread talking about Veeam async replication versus Starwind on VMware in the other thread yesterday. Why do you feel one way there and another here, only because one is a single vendor and the other is always multiple? What is the factor causing the change of opinion since the design and architectures remains constant.
I would be assuming an architectural change, mainly that you would have fewer disks in each host to save on that expense, on the assumption that you had to maintain two servers.
But if all other hardware is staying the same, then sure, absolutely toss StarWind in there. You take a hit on performance, but it's probably one you can afford.
Hardware stays the same. Both approaches require the same doubling of capacity to work. StarWind does not take an exclusive impact on performance, the Hyper-V Replica way sends the same data over the wire, just not in real time. So it takes less of an impacts in latency terms, but the same in throughput, by not getting the data over there in real time.
@LAH3385 said:
How will this work with hyper-v clustering? I am still shallow in clustering portion so sorry for any misunderstanding terminology.
All the clustering does is make the licenses move automatically rather than making you do it yourself. For clustering to actually work you need to be licensed for full mobility or you might automate a license violation. But we have done that here, so you are fine.
@LAH3385 said:
1 hyper-v core with 2 vms?
during any DR or maintenance the heartbeat will live migrate the VM over to the other host? or...A live migration can never happen during a DR event by the nature of what a DR event is. That would be like taking a backup after the original data was lost. If you could do that, the original obviously was not lost
@LAH3385 said:
1 hyper-v core with 1 vm each.
during any DR or maintenance the heartbeat will boot up the failed VM on its host?Correct, the data is in both locations at all times.
@scottalanmiller Just a side note.. how can I change the background color from while to black or darker color. white is killing me
too bright
@LAH3385 said:
@scottalanmiller Just a side note.. how can I change the background color from while to black or darker color. white is killing me
too bright
Go into your settings and under skin you can change it.
@scottalanmiller apparently only Cyborg works for me. The rest are all white. I'm using chrome.
@LAH3385 said:
@scottalanmiller apparently only Cyborg works for me. The rest are all white. I'm using chrome.
That's the only one I found that "works" and only barely. I prefer a white text on dark background.
Darkly works for me.
Oh, actually Superhero is really nice. The reply box is still white and funny looking though.