Solved XenServer Failing to apply patch XS65E015
Is the server in a pool? If so, are you running this on the pool master?
What happens if you manually apply the existing patch?
xe -s <hostname> -u root -pw <password> patch-pool-apply uuid=06416eb7-2621-4ebd-aa9c-f23b6a90a58d
Sorry, non pool.
Just reading the wrong part of the instructions from citrix's site.
Running the correct command....
I get
Unable to contact server. Please check server and port settings.
Yet I've downloaded every other update without issue.
Post the results from running 'xe patch-list". Have you tried installing the update using XenCenter?
We are on the public version so aren't licensed for the XenCenter Patcher, unless that's changed...
Yes, it has changed. Try it with XenCenter.
Very well, will try now.
Didn't know that it changed.
That's pretty nice that Citrix released the ability to apply patching from within XenCenter.
Just suspending some VM's at the moment.
That fixed it Danp.
Thank you for telling me to check the XenCenter Installer.
You're welcome! Glad you got it working...
Modding to mark as a question that has been resolved.