Gaming - What's everyone playing / hosting / looking to play
Playing Perils of Man, now. So far, it looks pretty interesting.
I just wrapped up Jade Empire last night. That was a fun game! Potentially better played with a controller of some sort, but it wasn't bad on the keyboard either.
The story was excellent. I beat it in ~40 hours playing time, I think it was.
Played several hours of Borderlands 2 with some friends last night. Going through some of the DLC that I never got a chance to play when I did my initial play through. As usual I am playing the healer/support specced Siren which is my preference.
I played Duck Game on Friday. It's a hilarious competitive platformer in the style of Towerfall, but with ducks. Plus you can play online instead of just local multiplayer. I highly recommend it (and it made TotalBiscuit's #2 game of the year).
Dominica and the kids are playing Dance of Death which I bought yesterday for $1.99 on this weeks Steam Sale.
I've been busy the last few days. Started playing the very casual Lost Civilization the other day. Have only gotten twenty minutes, tops, to put into it thus far, though.
I'm doing one game of Hexcells Infinite every day, they have a daily game built in (seed based on the current date) which is pretty cool. So I am trying to keep up with that (and earn, for no reason, the Steam badge for doing 60 post-completion Infinite games.)
About 1/3rd of the way through Square Cells.
Finally have gotten around to playing Wadjet Eye's The Blackwell Legacy from 2006. This series is supposed to be really good and I've just never made time to actually play it.
Wife and kids are playing The Lego Movie co-op.
It has been a morning of Minecraft, Minecraft PE and Goat Simulator. We now have GS on both the Steam laptop as well as on the Fire TV because the kids play it so much. They have now gotten into two player GS via Steam. They are loving it. Attempting to download a bunch of new maps today.
Played a bit of Minecraft FTB Evolved last night so far a good mod pack.
SquareCells for me, down to the final level. Hoping to beat it tonight.
My daughter has been playing The Sims Unlimited all evening.
Just beat Square Cells
Diablo 3.
Been working on Minecraft and Minecraft PE stuff for my kids.
My eldest has just started playing The Sims 3.
Both of my girls got up and played The Sims 3 this morning. Like all morning. Over four hours of it already.
My kids and their cousins played with our PocketMine server a little bit last night. They spent about an hour but were unable to find each other in the large world. But the server worked great and we just need to figure out some logistics to make it really work.
@mlnews said:
My kids and their cousins played with our PocketMine server a little bit last night. They spent about an hour but were unable to find each other in the large world. But the server worked great and we just need to figure out some logistics to make it really work.
Are there admin commands for that server? I know in the full version you can run /tpx user1 user2 to teleport user 1 to user 2. (Or the other way around I always mess it up)