Whose got a 3D printer?
I have a Robo3d R1 and it's pretty nice. $800 on amazon.
That one actually seems pretty sweet.
Not terribly much info on their site though.
Is it self calibrating and does it have a heated bed?
@Sparkum said:
That one actually seems pretty sweet.
Not terribly much info on their site though.
Is it self calibrating and does it have a heated bed?
Yes both. It uses a version of mattercontrol with their logo and everything. It's not too bad.
SLS is comming!! *
*yeah, yeah, been said before, but the $8k box that just launched is the tip of the iceberg. Keep that in mind when looking for an extruder (aka, don't blow a lot of cash on one right now)
huh? haha
@MattSpeller said:
SLS is comming!! *
*yeah, yeah, been said before, but the $8k box that just launched is the tip of the iceberg. Keep that in mind when looking for an extruder (aka, don't blow a lot of cash on one right now)
Have you seen the carbon 3d?
Hmm this one seems tempting.
@Sparkum Right now they just poop out filament from a heated nozzle. Sintered Laser S(something?) is when a laser goes through a pool of media and fuses it only where you want. This avoids needing supports to do overhangs & allows really good precision.
Isnt there just a vendor on Mangolassi that wants to give me a free 3D printer? hmmm?
Oh ya that stuff, seen a few of them on Kickstarter, I think a $300 ships in Nov too doesnt it
@Sparkum said:
Isnt there just a vendor on Mangolassi that wants to give me a free 3D printer? hmmm?
Give you one? Nooooooo. No. No no.
They want to give ME one