RD App accessible from the internet
What is it you want the published app to do? You want to publish RDP to iOS? That's going to be tough no matter what.
Yep.. that actually makes more sense now that I read your comment Scott.
RDS... (facepalm)
How is a VPN going to make the client act the same as a windows desktop? We just use RD gateways to expose some of ours.
Isn't there an RDP client for IOS?
there is a Remote Desktop app for iOS. I have published the app in RDS. Within the app there is a spot for my app web feed url, currently this in LAN based, not web facing. Pertino works a bit differently with iOS than it does in windows, the settings that work on a windows desktop (or a mac for that matter) do not work on the iPad.
I'm not sure you can publish an IOS app to an RDS box and expect it to work on an IOS device that has nothing installed.
Don't you normally access an RDS box via a webpage? when then downloads either a pointer file or a URL to be used by a locally installed app?
Thinking about this as a Windows client for a moment - you visit www.my-RDS-box.com and login, then you click the icon for the published app Word. This downloads a file that your computer sends to the locally installed RDP client to connect to the RDS box. If RDP wasn't installed on Windows already, this wouldn't work. I would expect the same of IOS.
@hubtechagain said:
there is a Remote Desktop app for iOS. I have published the app in RDS. Within the app there is a spot for my app web feed url, currently this in LAN based, not web facing. Pertino works a bit differently with iOS than it does in windows, the settings that work on a windows desktop (or a mac for that matter) do not work on the iPad.
What does it do differently?
I have the best results using the Microsoft Remote Desktop client on iDevices ( as well as MacOS) when using RemoteApps / RDS.
OK back at it. I have the Microsoft Remote Desktop app on ipad. Pertino VPN is setup. I can add the server via IP address, remote into it just fine. I can also add the Remote Resource Feed where it will populate the 3 apps that i've "published" from the server. it will not allow me to launch the apps. I get a "we couldn't connect to the remote PC. make sure it's on, etc.
You are using a web browser to view the RDS page and then tapping the link there. Is that failing to launch the RD app on iOS? or is the iOS RD app launching, but failing to connect to the deployed application?
RD app is failing haven't tried from the website. I've added the resource feed and it displays the apps. let me try the website
from website "could not download etc" after logging in.
@hubtechagain said:
from website "could not download etc" after logging in.
This doesn't surprise me. From the website you are expected to download the rpd file that tells windows to launch rds.
Ok, just trying to clarify.
Are the interal IP addresses in the published feed or the pertino?
I mean you connect to the feed via the pertino IP, that is a given.
But the item in the feed. is it referencing the Pertino IP or the interal LAN IP?
i'm trying to figure out how to tell. the app doesn't show any info when trying to connect.
@hubtechagain said:
i'm trying to figure out how to tell. the app doesn't show any info when trying to connect.
That would be in how it was published. You should be able to check from there.
Or use the feed in Windows instead of the webpage and see what it does.
Here is how I have one client setup for the published app.
This client has a publicly accessible system (restricted to some IP blocks at the firewall)
where do i get to that second window?