Need an Extremely Small and Portable Gaming System
I'm on a one year old HP Envy 17" now as well.
@dafyre said:
Once you pass the $800 mark for a small gaming rig with no screen... Why not spend the extra couple or three hundred dollars to actually get a decent gaming laptop?
I've seen 2 ads today fro the ASUS ROG Gaming laptops (I have no experience with that model laptop, but I generally like the ASUS stuff)
Weight & dimensions
@dafyre said:
Once you pass the $800 mark for a small gaming rig with no screen... Why not spend the extra couple or three hundred dollars to actually get a decent gaming laptop?
Because that is actually far less useful. Laptops are less portable than little desktops like this. Far less. They are less robust, larger and heavier. All very bad things for the serious traveler. Considering that the goal is to have this attach to a big screen and be used only for games, getting a gaming laptop would cost more and deliver less. It a gaming laptop on par was $300 cheaper, sure, I'd save the money and suck up the form factor. But as that is a lot of money for it to be "more", that's not going to fly when the whole point is to have something as tiny and rugged as possible to go into the luggage.
@creayt said:
- I didn't read the replies, apologies if someone's already mentioned the new HPs. Here's a pic though, they're sexy:
That is pretty sexy. A bit sexier than the Envy 17 that I have now.
Looks like they just went on sale. The decked out 512GB SSD model is now $1149.
The biggest hassle of ordering from HP though is THE GD WAIT.
Order placed on 09/13, won't be here until 10/02.
They sell this model at Best Buy and on Amazon, but you can't swap out the drive or add more RAM because the bottom case is one single intricate piece that requires careful physical separation and dismantling and when I tried it it was impossible without special tools, so I ended up ordering an SSD one on their site.
The good news though is I think the SSD in the ones is an M2, which is nice and the price is very right.
@creayt said:
The biggest hassle of ordering from HP though is THE GD WAIT.
Not to worry man, they're sending your gear to the NSA. You can feel safer already!
@MattSpeller said:
@creayt said:
The biggest hassle of ordering from HP though is THE GD WAIT.
Not to worry man, they're sending your gear to the NSA. You can feel safer already!
I actually would be totally down with that hahaha.
For some reason I feel my lowly servers, computers and laptops would only be a detriment to the NSA's monitoring services.
Yeah, she sounds like one of those people that needs to be water boarded to learn anything.
Like that Water Boarding F***** sucks
Not that I don't disagree, do what needs be done to protect people everywhere.
But it's just insane the way she comes off.
Giving the government servers the day after 9-11, I'm fine with that.
The NSA possibly intercepting new hardware while in transit and implanting malware so they can spy on the new owners - nope I can never be behind that!
@Dashrender "giving"
I can't fault them for it, though I'm enraged by what they were used for. If HP knew anything about that at all, to hell with them.
NSA does intercept hardware in transit, and I agree, it's crap.
Darnitall. The Zotac Magnus EN970 that we really want went on sale at Amazon already and there are just four units left. We literally missed getting one before coming to Nicaragua by about 48 hours. Had it released by Thursday of last week we would have overnighted one and had it all kitted out on Saturday and ready to go. Now we are stuck waiting until mid-December to get one.
@scottalanmiller said:
Darnitall. The Zotac Magnus EN970 that we really want went on sale at Amazon already and there are just four units left. We literally missed getting one before coming to Nicaragua by about 48 hours. Had it released by Thursday of last week we would have overnighted one and had it all kitted out on Saturday and ready to go. Now we are stuck waiting until mid-December to get one.
Why not have someone spot you, get it ordered, shipped to the states, and then shipped down there. Especially if the price is such a deal?
@DustinB3403 said:
@scottalanmiller said:
Darnitall. The Zotac Magnus EN970 that we really want went on sale at Amazon already and there are just four units left. We literally missed getting one before coming to Nicaragua by about 48 hours. Had it released by Thursday of last week we would have overnighted one and had it all kitted out on Saturday and ready to go. Now we are stuck waiting until mid-December to get one.
Why not have someone spot you, get it ordered, shipped to the states, and then shipped down there. Especially if the price is such a deal?
Never ship to another country like that. Huge cost, huge risk. Could take months to get here, could be ruined by customs, might never make it, and the fees at the border could be as much as the device itself. Everyone recommends shipping things to other countries, never do it. If you can't bring it with you or get it locally, you can't reasonably get it until you live permanently in a country, have a well established address, have connections with the postal service and have tested it on small items many times.
OK so last question then, why not have someone spot you and get it ordered, and just hold on to it.
Save your self a few bucks on the order today.
@DustinB3403 said:
OK so last question then, why not have someone spot you and get it ordered, and just hold on to it.
Save your self a few bucks on the order today.
Don't want to drop all of that money right now and then wait two months just to find out that something better came along. Or worse, run through the warranty period while we have no means of testing it.
Fair enough.
So hijack the countries server infrastructure for your gaming needs
It can't be that difficult being where you are.