Fluke Mircotest MicroScanner
I have an older model Fluke Microtest MicroScanner (it actually so old it's made before it was fluke branded just Mirotest branded). Anyway the wiremap adapter got lost. Does anyone know of other compatible wiremap adapters? I sent fluke on spiceworks (kendall I think). I don't think the original can be bought. I picked up a $55 LRUN-WM Fluke wiremap adatper after someone told me it was the same and would work. It doesn't. I'm wondering if fluke others will work? Like maybe the Test-Um JDSU I haven't found them used separate one ebay only as a kit and still close to $300 for them.
Any ideas? Hoping maybe there is a thirdparty or other cheaper option that fluke isn't going to give me.
Is this the same unit?
http://www.amazon.com/MICROTEST-TWP-Microtest-MicroScanner-Tester/dp/B00KKBTDHU -
@g.jacobse said:
Is this the same unit?
http://www.amazon.com/MICROTEST-TWP-Microtest-MicroScanner-Tester/dp/B00KKBTDHUYep it's the same thing. All though mine is the deluxe model it has a butt load of accessories (most that I never use).
Fluke nor their PR person never respond to my message to them on spiceworks. Anyone I found one, and the only one on ebay. Apparently these things are rare so I got lucky. Now what to do with the LURN-WM Wiremap adapter?
@g.jacobse said:
Would this be it"
Sadly that's for version 2, which isn't interchangeable.