Calling All Tech People - CloudatCost is Hiring Technical Support Staff.
I start tomorrow! :trollface:
@IRJ said:
I start tomorrow! :trollface:
I don't think that there is even anyone there to get the joke anymore.
Lol, well there's us. Isnt that all that matters?
Well it had better be, lol.
Two months, did any single person ever get any response at all?
I sure didnt, I'm no god in the IT world but I would say I was over qualified for the position.
Just wanted some extra pocket cash a few hours a week. -
The deleted the info from their site.
I've not heard of anyone so much as getting an email response. I know of some people that emailed them, got no response, reached out via IM, got told the emails were lost, asked for another email, and got no response.
I never got a response. I am no god either, but I feel I am overqualified as well.
NTG as a whole even tried to throw our name in (could have hired a few of you to do it too) but nothing....
My guess is that they were not expecting actual IT people to try to jump in and were afraid that real IT knowing what was going on would risk big time exposure. The call for tech people was either meant to be a call for Best Buy type people and/or just a farce completely like LNO putting up fake HR hiring requirements so that people would point to them (which they did) and say "look how much they are growing since they are hiring so many people." Ignoring the fact that they didn't actually hire anyone.
I wonder if they are going to do that Q&A session anytime soon?
@Minion-Queen said:
NTG as a whole even tried to throw our name in (could have hired a few of you to do it too) but nothing....
I Guess NTG is just under qualified for CloudatCost's level of work You know?
@scottalanmiller said:
My guess is that they were not expecting actual IT people to try to jump in and were afraid that real IT knowing what was going on would risk big time exposure. The call for tech people was either meant to be a call for Best Buy type people and/or just a farce completely like LNO putting up fake HR hiring requirements so that people would point to them (which they did) and say "look how much they are growing since they are hiring so many people." Ignoring the fact that they didn't actually hire anyone.
You mean like how Dish Network/EchoStar Call their phone support people IT support haha.
Yeah my Engineering team is pretty dumb you know
(past and present engineers included).
@scottalanmiller said:
My guess is that they were not expecting actual IT people to try to jump in and were afraid that real IT knowing what was going on would risk big time exposure.
If that's the case, why didn't they hire me
@Minion-Queen said:
Yeah my Engineering team is pretty dumb you know
(past and present engineers included).
You know I see,....HEY,.. Wait just one dang second there....!
Wow took someone longer than I thought it would
@IRJ said:
I never got a response. I am no god either, but I feel I am overqualified as well.
I am a god, but was under qualified so didn't apply.