Oh How I Loathe Meaningless Progress Bars
It's 2:36AM CST as I start this and I'm exporting mailboxes to PSTs as part of an Exchange 2003 to 2013 migration that needs to be, ideally, done, in about 4.5 hours. Oh, and I have to be up for work early, at 8:30AM CST, for the same client as we get them moved to the new PCs on the new domain today. The problem is that the mailboxes that matter that are small are 3GB and the big ones are over 10GB. So I have to open each Outlook profile I setup, let it finish it's last sync from the old email server, and then export each mailbox to a PST. Then I import those into the new Exchange 2013 SP1 server. So why the title? Because a progress bar is nice...when it means something. If it is "Exporting Sent Items" and the progress bar keeps looping once it reaches the end, it's meaningless. Also, it tells you the status of the individual folders, not the total mailbox. So, basically, the progress bar means nothing. It drives me nuts when you know what needs to be done but you are stuck spending most of your time playing the "hurry up and wait" game. GAH!
Welcome to Windows (nearly) useless features.
The Progress bar much like the time remaining have been basic guestimates for nearly 15 years from my experience.. I've sat waiting for one copy to complete (6 seconds remaining) for over an hour..
Anything like that has to be a guestimate because the things that it is predicting fluctuates. So there is no way for it to know.
Would be nice if it should actually what has been completed and did not predict the future, I suppose, but to normal people that would be meaningless.
How about this instead?
http://www.digitalvolcano.co.uk/other.html -
Yeah, worked from 10PM-7AM straight, tossed and turned for an hour before I got a call to work at 8AM, and I've been working since...